On 3 Feb 2020, at 11:25, Stephen Leake <address@hidden> wrote:
Simon Wright <address@hidden> writes:If the current buffer holds startup.adb, C-c C-v (for check) executes
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/cortex-gnat-rts/microbit/adainclude/" -*- Compilation started at Sat Feb 1 15:55:20
gprbuild -p -Pbuild_runtime.gpr -c -u -f /Users/simon/cortex-gnat-rts/microbit/adainclude/startup.adb Compile [Ada] startup.adb
but if the current buffer holds a-reatim.adb it executes
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/cortex-gnat-rts/common/" -*- Compilation started at Sat Feb 1 15:56:33
gprbuild -p -c -u -f /Users/simon/cortex-gnat-rts/common/a-reatim.adb using project file common.gpr gprbuild: "/users/simon/cortex-gnat-rts/common/a-reatim.adb" was not found in the sources of any project
Similar behaviour for C-c C-c (for make).
In the second case, there is no gprfile given in the gprbuild commandline; I'm guessing that is the cause of the reported error.
Yes. even though it says 'using project file common.gpr'. When in the two Ada buffers, what does "Ada | Project files | Show project" show?
In both cases, build_runtime. What do you have in project-find-functions? You probably need to set that manually to wisi-prj-current-cached or wisi-prj-current-parse; see the wisi info section "Selecting projects" and ada-mode info section "Use multiple GNAT project files".
project-find-functions is (wisi-prj-find-dominating-cached project-try-vc). I have to change it.
*Note Selecting projects: (wisi)Selecting projects. but "Info file wisi does not exist".
I did change it, and all is well, thanks.
Are you sure this changed behaviour is a good thing?
--S |