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Re: case insensative

From: Kevin Atkinson
Subject: Re: case insensative
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 20:18:32 -0500

Chad Walker wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to aspell, but I have hacked together a script to do what I need,
> my only problem is, I'd like aspell to operate in a case insensitive
> manor. You see I'm working on an irc bot that listens to the conversation
> on the channel, and makes markov chains from the sentences. you can then
> prompt the bot with some words, and it will create random sentences, which
> "sound" fairly normal. One of our current problems is, that half of us
> can't spell very well (myself included), so words get in the dictionary
> twice, and then the chains are not as useful. The dictionary that we use
> is all in lower case, so a sentence like, "I went to Iowa last Friday."
> turns out like "i went to iowa last friday." So I guess my basic question
> is, is there a switch I have overlooked that would make aspell search
> without regard to case?

Not really.  You could check if the first suggestion aspell gives is
equal to the real word but with different case.  For example the first
suggestion for iowa would be Iowa.

This is something I may add in the future.  I will put it on the TO-DO

Kevin Atkinson

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