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Re: [aspell] Correct format of the dictionary files

From: Martin Norbäck
Subject: Re: [aspell] Correct format of the dictionary files
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 11:34:21 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.11i

2001-01-02T09:58:04+0200, Togan Muftuoglu ->
> 1) Is there a prefered format for the dictionary files. The aspell
> manual mentions that it should be
> word1 word2 word3
> Yet if my memory is not playing with me the danish dictionary has the
> word listed as
> word1
> word2
> word3
> They both seem to work yet my question is which one has an advantage

The second form certainly has an advantage when it comes to editing the
file. I son't see any reason why any of the forms should have any impact
on how aspell creates its word list.

> 2) I have downloaded the phonet-utils.tar.gz file however the phonetlist
> utility seems to be buggy. It does not except a list of words and it
> just works like the phonet.
> #phonetlist turkish_phonetic.dat list 
> gives me back the phonetic of the word list while list contains
> approximatelt 10.000 words . Am I doing this wrong

Yes, there is an error in the Makefile, here is a patch:

--- Makefile    Wed Feb  9 09:52:01 2000
+++        Mon Jan 29 11:31:55 2001
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
        $(CXX) $(FLAGS) phonet.o file_exceps.o trim_space.o -o phonet
 phonetlist: phonetlist.o file_exceps.o trim_space.o
-       $(CXX) $(FLAGS) phonet.o file_exceps.o trim_space.o -o phonetlist
+       $(CXX) $(FLAGS) phonetlist.o file_exceps.o trim_space.o -o phonetlist
 phonet.o: exception.hh file_exceps.hh phonet.hh trim_space.hh
        $(CXX) $(FLAGS) -c

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