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[aspell-user] Support of German Umlaute in Aspell for Latex

From: Lukas Ruf
Subject: [aspell-user] Support of German Umlaute in Aspell for Latex
Date: Mon Jun 10 12:25:18 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Dear all,

I like aspell a lot.  Thanks for creating it!

Since I write most if not all my documents by using Latex, I need to
check the documents with aspell -t -c ....

When writing German documents with Latex, I make use of the
"traditional" formating, e.g.  H\"uhner.  Now, I run always into
problems when spell checking my documents with aspell.

I start aspell for such a document as following:

aspell --lang=DE -t -c document.tex

Does anyone of you know, how I can handle the German Umlaute with
aspell correctly when I try to spell check a Latex document?

Thanks for any help!

Btw: aspell --version reports
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell .33.7.1 alpha)

I run a Debian 3.0 installation and installed 
    "Package: aspell"

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