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Re: [Aspell-user] replacing

From: Christoph Hintermüller
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] replacing
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 16:48:12 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

Am Montag, 8. September 2003 12:46 schrieb Athanasios Emilios Arvanitis:
> i ve been using ispell for many years, and recently I ve switched to
> aspell. My problem is that I cant figure out, how to configure it, so
> that the replacement word list, let's say aspell.el.prepl, doesnt
> suggest a replacement but replaces the word without asking.
> So if we have
> cat ~/.aspell.el.prepl
> personal_repl-1.1 el 0
> tyme time
Hm does that make sense at all as there may may exist simmular sounding 
words which are spelled differently but may show same misspellings. In 
this case it might happen that aspell would replace the  wrong word with 
the right replacement. Is this desireable. 

Further there is no affixencoding jet so aspell is not capable of 
reflecting different times and flexions of one word so it might think a 
valid word is misspelled as it is not in base form but in some past form 
or some third person or so. In this case automatic replacement would 
replace syntactically and gramatically correct word by some strange 

So at this stage of aspell autoreplacement imho doesn't make any sense at 
all. And i even do not consider it really as usefull as you state when 
aspell is capable of affixes and soundslike. But in your case it might be 
as not all languages have words beeing spelled simular and having words 
which are spelled different in different context (hope i expressed that 

So at least i think you have to wait for autocompletion until affixencoded 
soundslike algorithm is accomplisched.

Hope that helped.

> when it sees tyme in the document it ll change it to time, without
> asking for confirmation.
> is it possible?
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Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Hintermüller
University for Health Informatics and Technology Tyrol
Innrain 98, A-6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
Tel:  +43/ 512/ 58 67 34/ 820; Fax: +43/ 512/ 58 67 34/ 850
Mail: address@hidden; Hompage:

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