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Re: [Aspell-user] Problems installing aspell-0.50.5 on SCO Unixware7.1.3

From: Christoph Hintermüller
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] Problems installing aspell-0.50.5 on SCO Unixware7.1.3
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 19:32:18 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

Hi John
Am Freitag, 30. Juli 2004 17:38 schrieb John Mozurkewich:
>     Here is the output.
First of all i got the file via this message on the list ;-)

Second when looking at the output it seems to be a libtool problem. So my 
first question which libtool version are you using?? Have cou checked if the 
version of installed libtool matches the requirement by aspell? Are you able 
to update it your self to the newest one ?? Is it possible that this is done 
by the sysadmin for you. 
In other words compiling is ok but libtool can't cope with the settings.
Did you change the cc stuff as I've told you? 

Mainli i sugest outdated or buggy libtool or progs required by libtool (happy 


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