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Re: [Aspell-user] Perl Pod filter?

From: Christoph Hintermüller
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] Perl Pod filter?
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 23:10:19 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1

Am Montag, 14. März 2005 23:59 schrieb Bill Moseley:
> Anyone have any suggestions for spell-checking Perl pod documentation?
> Pod is often intermixed with code, so it would have to know how to
> skip that.  I use vim as my editor.
Are there uniqe delimter symbols one opening the pod part and one terminating 
it asside from usual comment which is delimited by hash (#) and end of line?
If there is no terminal symbol for comments containing pod is it legitimate to 
define one without distrubing pod and without making it appear in 
documentation ???
Further are you using aspell >= 0.60.X. If so context filter is one of your 
friends ;-) More in the manual of Aspell 0.60.X.
Hope that helped a bit. 


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