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Re: [Aspell-user] Aspell-Bengali Personal word list

From: punam roykarmokar
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] Aspell-Bengali Personal word list
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 12:20:12 +0530

Thanks a lot. Actually I don't have Myspell installed. Ok, I am installing it. But, if I create personal Bengali word list, will the gedit automatically include it, after the mentioned configuretion? If, yes ok.. But, if, no then what I have to do. Actually , I am novice in this field. So, this is asked. I am struggling to  get the correct result.

And , I am getting this message "Sorry "create/merge personal" is currently unimplemented" while creating the dictionary. What should I do? any change in system needed?

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <address@hidden> wrote:
Em Qua, 2009-07-08 às 11:59 +0530, punam roykarmokar escreveu:
> [...]
> Besides, I want to  know how to integrate this personal dictionary
> with Gedit . As in shell th rendering problem is created.

Gedit uses Aspell via Enchant, which by default uses Myspell for most
languages. So, if you have Myspell installed, you'll have to explicitly
tell Enchant to prefer Enchant. Create file called
"~/.enchant/enchant.ordering" and add this line to it:


For further information, man enchant.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <address@hidden>


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