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Re: Parse graphicspath for searching [was: Provide advice to ffap (find-

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: Re: Parse graphicspath for searching [was: Provide advice to ffap (find-file-at-point) from \input@path?]
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 15:00:12 +0900

Hi Leo,

>>>>> Leo Stein <> writes:
> Probably not, but I didn't want to make any assumptions. One example might
> be that a user includes a comment just before/after their
> \graphicspath{...} command, reminding themselves of the syntax, e.g.

> % The syntax for \graphicspath is \graphicspath{{path1/}{path2/}{path3/}}
> \graphicspath{{figs/}{../scripts/figs/}}

> I now realize that even the \graphicspath command inside the comment will
> be parsed. Should it be ignored?

> I think that LaTeX won't mind extra whitespace or ignored comments inside a
> graphicspath command, e.g.

> \graphicspath{%
>   {figs/}            % my handmade figures
>   {../scripts/figs/} % figures generated by my analysis code
> }

> but my current regex won't match this example.

Yes, the proposed code doesn't ignore commented \graphicspath, and
doesn't deal with whitespaces and comments between the outer braces. I
think we can still live with it as preliminary work. Don't worry, there
are tons of such simplifications in the current AUCTeX code. But if you
want to elaborate it further, you can take your time.

Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
#Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

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