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Re: [AUCTeX] Unable to preview images

From: gojjoe
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] Unable to preview images
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 10:40:47 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird/666

Hi José,

First of all: I have libpng16-16.dll in my
C:\Program Files\Emacs\bin\
directory. Do you? You didn't mention in your email if you do.


On 20151124 10:23, José Carlos Santos wrote:
Hi all,

I am unable to preview images with Emacs 24.5.1 + AucTeX
11.89, working under Windows. Whenever I try to do that I
get the "preview-image-type setting 'png unsupported by this
Emacs" error. Why is that? It is written at that

       PNG: requires the PNG reference library 1.4 or later,
which will
       be named libpngNN.dll or libpngNN-NN.dll.  LibPNG
requires zlib,
       which should come from the same source as you got
       Starting with Emacs 23.3, the precompiled Emacs
binaries are
       built with libpng 1.4.x and later, and are
incompatible with
       earlier versions of libpng DLLs.  So if you have
libpng 1.2.x,
       the PNG support will not work, and you will have to
       newer versions.

Therefore, I should already have PNG support. What am I

Best regards,

José Carlos Santos

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