On Tue, 3 Mar 2009 05:07:26 +0100
Vincent Trouilliez <address@hidden> wrote:
...but not acknoledged, 'cause I blew the
slave (PCF 8574, I/O expander, cheap way to test that the bus was
working, by lighting LED's via this chip) when supplying it
accidentally with unregulated 12Volts rather than the regulated 5
Volts, oops !!! :-O Poor slave... Will get a new one first thing
tommorow, and hopefully everything should then be working :-)
Geez, some things just don't want to die !!!
I found a bad ground (the slave was a on dodgy solder less bread board,
not soldered on the target). I made a better ground and hey preto,
the slave now acknowledges it's address and data !
Who said electronic integrated circuits were fragile ?! ;-)
I am amazed...
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