I mean Arduino is C++, nicely wrapped - nevertheless you can
use an Arduino like a "man" with plain C/C++ code without using
the goodies like the Arduino Core Library and the other Arduino
Libs. Another pro Arduino point is the preflashed bootloader -
just jumpstart into toggling the first pins w/o need of a
external programming device.
Gesendet: Montag, 23. September 2013 um 08:25 Uhr
Von: "Riccardo Castellani" <address@hidden>
An: address@hidden
Cc: address@hidden
Betreff: Re: [avr-chat] microcontroller for complete irrigation unit
I know C language and some electronic science, newby for atmel !
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 7:51 AM
Subject: Aw: [avr-chat] microcontroller for complete irrigation unit
In case of "very very newbie" I would suggest Arduino.
Gesendet: Montag, 23. September 2013 um 07:39 Uhr
Von: "Riccardo Castellani" <
An: address@hidden
Betreff: [avr-chat] microcontroller for complete irrigation unit
I'm very very newby and I'd like automatic irrigation unit with display, monthly timer, 1 on/off valve; then I'd like to interface it with wifi/ethernet module to set time to start or status check.
Can you suggest me what microcontroller I can use ?