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[avr-gcc-list] elfcoff parsing error

From: Volkmar Dierkes
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] elfcoff parsing error
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 03:10:23 +0200

Hello all,

I am implementing a (more or less simple) list structure in this way:
 ,---- [ menu.h ]=20
|  typedef struct struct_menu
|  {
|    uint8_t key1;
|    struct struct_menu *next_key1;
|    uint8_t key2;
|    struct struct_menu *next_key2;
|    uint8_t key3;
|    struct struct_menu *next_key3;
|    uint8_t key4;
|    struct struct_menu *next_key4;
|    struct ListElement *item;
|  } struct_menu;
|  typedef struct ListElement
|  {
|    uint8_t ID;
|    uint8_t pos_x, pos_y;
|    uint8_t font;
|    uint8_t format;
|    union
|    {
|      uint8_t *var8;
|      uint16_t *var16;
|      uint32_t *var32;
|      struct bitmap *pic;
|      struct_datetime *datetime;
|    } ptr;
|    struct ListElement *next;
|  } ListElement;

At the compiling all is ok but at the elfcoff I get this error:
|  -
|  c:\avrgcc/bin/avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom MoppdLog.elf MoppdLog.hex
|  elfcoff MoppdLog.elf coff MoppdLog.cof MoppdLog.sym
|   : 826
|    : 678
|     : 563
|      : 462
|       : 563
|        : 387
|  Error on parsing symbol      148 -> Type : 804x Desc : struct_menu:T
|  (17,1)=3Ds14key1:(5,2),0,8;next_key1:(17,2)=3D*(17,1),8,16;key2:(5
|  ,2),24,8;next_key2:(17,2),32,16;key3:(5,2),48,8;next_key3:
|  (17,2),56,16;key4:(5,2),72,8;next_key4:(17,2),80,16;item:(17,3)=3D*(17,4)=
|  xsListElement:,96,16;;
|  Ended

Can anybody tell me what can I do to get a successfull compilation?

I am using the avrfreaks 3.2 avr-gcc. If you need any more information=20
please ask me.


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