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[avr-gcc-list] Troubles with ADC on ATMega16

From: Olav Torheim
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Troubles with ADC on ATMega16
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 19:50:18 +0200 (CEST)

I have a little problem with creating a real time system on my AVR ATMega 16. The response time for my system is 60 us and I need to alway have digitized data ready from four analogue channels.
What I am trying to do is to create a program that is running through a loop, sampling four channels, one after another. My program is running fine when only sampling one channel. But when I try to sequencially sample through four channels, I am not able to get a stable result from any conversion. It seems like the program is not able to handle the switching between the channels. Does anybody understand why?
Olav Torheim
Cut and paste from my main program:
startADC(channelcounter+4); // Starting first AD conversion
                                if (gAdcConversionCompleted == 1)
                                        mL[channelcounter] = returnAILow();
                                        mH[channelcounter] = returnAIHigh();
// If I comment away this if-statement, the program is running fine while
//only following one channel! :
                                        if (channelcounter == 3)
                                                channelcounter = 0;
                                        startADC(channelcounter+4); // Starting next conversion

Source code for ADC_AVR.C:
#include <io.h>
#include <interrupt.h>
#include <sig-avr.h>
#ifndef ADC_AVR
#define ADC_AVR
volatile int gAdcConversionCompleted;
char mAiLow, mAiHigh;
        gAdcConversionCompleted = 1;
void initAI(void)
  outp(0x0F, DDRA);
        sbi(ADCSR, ADEN); // Slær på AD-umsetjaren
        sbi(ADCSR, ADIE); // Slær på Interrupt-Enable (IE)
void convertADC(char channel)
        outp(channel, ADMUX); // Vel kanal
        sbi(ADCSR, ADSC); // Startar AD-umsetjing
        gAdcConversionCompleted =0;
        mAiLow = inp(ADCL);
        mAiHigh = inp(ADCH);
void startADC(char channel)
        outp(channel, ADMUX); // Vel kanal
  gAdcConversionCompleted =0;
  outp(0x00, ADCL);
        sbi(ADCSR, ADSC); // Startar AD-umsetjing
char returnAILow(void)
 return inp(ADCL);
char returnAIHigh(void)
 return inp(ADCH);
char readAIHigh(void)
        return mAiHigh;
char readAILow(void)
        return mAiLow;

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