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[avr-gcc-list] Re: Problem with WinAVR

From: Jimmy Shen
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Problem with WinAVR
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 13:14:35 -0700

Here is the makefile requested to be posted to go along with the probelm I posted earlier about the " unrecognized option `-cu=at90s8535' ".

# Makefile to build gyrobot for GCC
# Larry Barello May, 2001, 2003
# Uses GCC tools (make, rm)
# Generic stuff.
#       Avrdude command line: Intel Hex, Sample programmer, chip.

        PROG    = avrdude -c bascom -p $(GCCMCU) -E noreset

#       STK500 command line programmer.
#       PROG    = c:/progra~1/atmel/avrstu~1/stk500/stk500.exe

        RM      = rm -f

#       GCCMCU  = atmega163
        GCCMCU  = at90s8535
#       GCCMCU  = atmega16

#GCC Equates
        FORMAT  = coff-avr
#       GCCLIB  = $(AVRX)/avrx/avrx.a
        GCCLIB  = avrx.a
        GCCINC  = -I. -I$(AVRX)/avrx -I$(AVR)/avr/include
        LDFLAGS = -Wl,-lm,-Map=$(<:.o=.map),--cref,-v -mmcu=$(GCCMCU)
        AFLAGS  = -c -mmcu=$(GCCMCU) -Wa,-gstabs -mmcu=$(GCCMCU) -I$(GCCINC)
        CFLAGS  = -Os -Wall -g -mmcu=$(GCCMCU) $(TARGET)
        BIN     = avr-objcopy
        CC      = avr-gcc
        AS      = avr-gcc -x assembler-with-cpp
        ELFCOF  = objtool
        CP      = cp
        OUT     = coff
        SHELL   = sh.exe

#specific stuff to my build


        SRC     = GyroBot.c MotorTask.c LcdTask.c SensorTask.c Gyro_eeprom.c
        ASRC    = lcdio.s lcd.s Encoder.s adc_driver.s

        GCCOBJ  = $(SRC:.c=.o) $(ASRC:.s=.o)

# GCC Rules

%o: %c
        $(CC) -c $< $(GCCINC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@

%s: %c
        $(CC) -S $< $(GCCINC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@

%o: %s
        $(AS) $(AFLAGS) $< -o $@

%elf: %o
        $(CC) $< $(GCCLIB) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@

%obj: %elf
        $(BIN) -O avrobj -R .eeprom $< $@

%cof: %elf
        avr-objcopy \
                --debugging \
                -O $(FORMAT) \
                --change-section-address .data-0x800000 \
                --change-section-address .bss-0x800000 \
                --change-section-address .noinit-0x800000 \
                --change-section-address .eeprom-0x810000 \
                $< $@
#               $(filename).elf $(filename).cof

        @echo "Errors: none"

%hex: %elf
        $(BIN) -O ihex $< $@

%eep: %elf
$(BIN) -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex $< $@
        cp GyroBot.eep GyroBot.eep.hex

# Rules specific to my project (default to GCC)

gcc:    GyroBot.cof GyroBot.eep GyroBot.hex GyroBot.ok

        $(RM) *.o *.lst *.map
        $(RM) *.rom *.eep *.hex
        $(RM) *.obj *.?_sym $(SRC:.c=.s)

# Command line STK500 programmer

burn.eep:       GyroBot.eep
        $(PROG) -m eeprom -i GyroBot.eep
#       $(PROG) -d$(GCCMCU) -ieGyroBot.eep -ve -pe -z

# Note: -e erases chip... required for FLASH
burn.hex:       GyroBot.hex
        $(PROG) -e -m flash -i GyroBot.hex
#       $(PROG) -d$(GCCMCU) -ifGyroBot.hex -vf -pf -e -z

burn:   burn.hex burn.eep GyroBot.cof Gyrobot.ok

GyroBot.elf:   $(GCCOBJ) $(GCCLIB)
        $(CC) $(GCCOBJ) $(GCCLIB) $(LDFLAGS) -mmcu=$(GCCMCU) -o $@

assembly: $(SRC:.c=.s)

GyroBot.o:      makefile hardware.h Gyro_eeprom.h gyroBot.c
MotorTask.o:    makefile hardware.h Gyro_eeprom.h MotorTask.c SensorTask.h
LcdTask.o: makefile hardware.h Gyro_eeprom.h LcdTask.c lcdio.h lcdtask.h MotorTask.h SensorTask.h SensorTask.o: makefile hardware.h Gyro_eeprom.h SensorTask.c SensorTask.h adc_driver.h encoder.h MotorTask.h Gyro_eeprom.o: makefile Gyro_eeprom.c MotorTask.h BehaviorTask.h SensorTask.h
adc_driver.o:   makefile adc_driver.s
lcdio.o:        makefile lcd.inc
lcd.o:          makefile lcd.inc

# Old stuff

monitor.o:      makefile monitor.c serialio.h  adc_driver.h
serialio.o:     makefile serialio.c serialio.h
Behavior.o: makefile BehaviorTask.c BehaviorTask.h
filter.o:       makefile filter.c filter.h

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