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[avr-gcc-list] Re: binutils/gas patch for ldi adiw ldd

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Re: binutils/gas patch for ldi adiw ldd
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 21:34:27 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de-AT; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040114

For that problem I have also looked but this goes a bit deeper.
I have found a #define where it could be allowed to use unknown sections diffs.
This works and in the relocation stage I have a RELOC with the positiv
value but th negativ value is missing. Inbetween the stages I can see both symbols with
value 0 which is correct because the final link was not done until then.
I have no idea where the neagtiv value ist stored? Maybe it is stored nowhere and thats it. As I saw there are only a few targets which support the undefined diffs and currently
it is for me much more importend to hint bugs instead of features :-)))
But maybe I have overseen one or two lines which hide the result...

We will see.



On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 01:49:13PM +0100, Klaus Rudolph wrote:
P.S. I have no idea why offsets could not be created from "unknown"
sections. Here the gas is allways giveing a error message. that makes
no sense I think because the relocation is done later. Bug or feature?
Any idea how to fix it?


  A brief experiment with gas for the PowerPC shows that this is
another avr-as "feature". PowerPC code which assembles fine in .text
also gives no problems in section .frog:

  .section ".sbss","a"
.align 2 alpha:
  .skip 4
beta: .section ".frog","arx" gamma:
  stw   r4,beta - alpha(r7)        # Sorry, this is PowerPC assembler,
  stw   r5,delta - gamma(r7)       # shown only to prove that "full
delta:                              # pressure" gas can do it.

This correctly produces:

Disassembly of section .frog:
00000000 <gamma>: /------------/------< Correct offsets of 4 and 8.
  0: 90 87 00 04    stw   r4,4(r7)
4: 90 a7 00 08 stw r5,8(r7)
I'll google for that GNU Internals Manual that you mentioned, but maybe
assisting with the testsuite is a shorter term goal.


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