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Re: [avr-gcc-list] bootloader for hex file on SD/MMC card

From: Pink Boy
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] bootloader for hex file on SD/MMC card
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:38:56 -0700 (PDT)

TTTechsDomino sez,

> It's a good idea and normaly quite easy. The main problem will be
> to crush a FAT files system into the 4kByte Bootloader Section of

And actually only the code that writes to flash needs to be in the
boot section.  The code that reads fat can exist in it's own section
else where.  (Just so long as you don't over write it)

Something like this.

[Boot Loader Section]
[Fat Driver]
[Application Code]

Mr foo

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