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[avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc 4.5.1 doing bad reloads using X

From: Georg Lay
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc 4.5.1 doing bad reloads using X
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 17:41:36 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100302)

Hi, I compiled one of my projects with hard real-time constraints
using avr-gcc-4.5.1 and observed the following issue concerning both
code density and speed.

avr-gcc-4.5.1 prefers to use X-reg to reload addresses. Just note the
*movqi/3 and *movqi/4 sequences in the asm-printout below:

        adiw r26,18      ;  250 *movqi/4        [length = 3]
        ld r20,X
        sbiw r26,18
        adiw r26,25      ;  251 *movqi/4        [length = 3]
        ld r21,X
        sbiw r26,25
        add r20,r21      ;  252 addqi3/1        [length = 1]
        mul r24,r19      ;  253 *mulqi3_enh     [length = 3]
        mov r24,r0
        clr r1
        add r20,r24      ;  254 addqi3/1        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  255 *movqi/3        [length = 3]
        st X,r20
        sbiw r26,20
        mul r18,r19      ;  256 *mulqi3_enh     [length = 3]
        mov r18,r0
        clr r1
        adiw r26,19      ;  257 *movqi/4        [length = 3]
        ld r24,X
        sbiw r26,19
        add r18,r24      ;  258 addqi3/1        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,21      ;  259 *movqi/3        [length = 3]
        st X,r18
        sbiw r26,21
        sbi 62-0x20,5    ;  264 *sbi    [length = 1]
        adiw r26,23      ;  265 *movqi/4        [length = 3]
        ld r24,X
        sbiw r26,23
        subi r24,lo8(-(2))       ;  266 addqi3/2        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,23      ;  267 *movqi/3        [length = 3]
        st X,r24
        sbiw r26,23
        rjmp .L58        ;  710 jump    [length = 1]
        adiw r26,11+1    ;  272 *movhi/3        [length = 4]
        st X,r31
        st -X,r30
        sbiw r26,11
        adiw r26,16      ;  273 *movqi/4        [length = 3]
        ld r21,X
        sbiw r26,16
        tst r21  ;  274 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L25        ;  275 branch  [length = 1]
        tst r18  ;  277 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L25        ;  278 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  280 *movqi/4        [length = 3]
        ld r21,X

All these memory accesses could be made by means of Y+const and most
of the code consists of adding/subtracting constants to/from X.
Hacking source (or using avr-gcc-3.4.6) so that Y gets used to address
SRAM leads to code deflation from ~1200 bytes to ~950 bytes.

Without tracking it down, I think it's an avr backend issue because it
 is lying at IRA and reports wrong reload costs: Both X+const, Y+const
and Z+const are handled by the same constraint alternative(s), but the
costs of X+const are considerably higher because there is no native
instruction for it. IRA uses X and not Y because Y would cause
prologue/epilogue costs. However, the accumulated additional costs of
 using X are much higher than the prologue/epilogue costs that would
arise if Y was used.

So the backend badly needs new memory constraints that report costs to
IRA. I would highly recommend to use multi-letter constraints for that
so that the backend won't run out of constraint letters sooner or later...

Being not familiar with LEGITIMIZE_RELOAD_ADDRESS, I wonder if there
is a way to describe costs therein, or maybe that hook is an
anachronism that it no more needed with IRA?

To reproduce this, I attached some precompiled sources. The excerpt
abive is compiled from vektor-zeichen-i.c. They basically do indirect
accesses to struct components of one struct in SRAM, so nothing
complicated. Register pressure is quite low so that is no issue.

Compiled with

avr-gcc-4.5.1 vektor-zeichen-i.c -S -Os -mmcu=atmega168 -ffixed-6
-ffixed-7 -mmcu=atmega168 -dp -fverbose-asm

avr-gcc-4.5.1 snake-i.c -S -Os -dp -mmcu=atmega168 -fverbose-asm

Cheers, Georg
        .file   "vektor-zeichen-i.c"
__SREG__ = 0x3f
__SP_H__ = 0x3e
__SP_L__ = 0x3d
__tmp_reg__ = 0
__zero_reg__ = 1
        .global __do_copy_data
        .global __do_clear_bss
 ;  GNU C (GCC) version 4.5.1 (avr)
 ;      compiled by GNU C version 4.1.0 (SUSE Linux), GMP version 4.3.1, MPFR 
version 2.4.2, MPC version 0.8.1
 ;  GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=100 --param ggc-min-heapsize=131072
 ;  options passed:  -fpreprocessed vektor-zeichen-i.i -mmcu=atmega168
 ;  -mmcu=atmega168 -Os -ffixed-6 -ffixed-7 -fverbose-asm
 ;  options enabled:  -falign-loops -fargument-alias -fauto-inc-dec
 ;  -fbranch-count-reg -fcaller-saves -fcommon -fcprop-registers
 ;  -fcrossjumping -fcse-follow-jumps -fdefer-pop -fearly-inlining
 ;  -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fexpensive-optimizations
 ;  -fforward-propagate -ffunction-cse -fgcse -fgcse-lm
 ;  -fguess-branch-probability -fident -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2
 ;  -findirect-inlining -finline -finline-functions
 ;  -finline-functions-called-once -finline-small-functions -fipa-cp
 ;  -fipa-pure-const -fipa-reference -fipa-sra -fira-share-save-slots
 ;  -fira-share-spill-slots -fivopts -fkeep-static-consts
 ;  -fleading-underscore -fmath-errno -fmerge-constants
 ;  -fmerge-debug-strings -fmove-loop-invariants -fomit-frame-pointer
 ;  -foptimize-register-move -foptimize-sibling-calls -fpeephole
 ;  -fpeephole2 -freg-struct-return -fregmove -freorder-blocks
 ;  -freorder-functions -frerun-cse-after-loop
 ;  -fsched-critical-path-heuristic -fsched-dep-count-heuristic
 ;  -fsched-group-heuristic -fsched-interblock -fsched-last-insn-heuristic
 ;  -fsched-rank-heuristic -fsched-spec -fsched-spec-insn-heuristic
 ;  -fsched-stalled-insns-dep -fshow-column -fsigned-zeros
 ;  -fsplit-ivs-in-unroller -fsplit-wide-types -fstrict-aliasing
 ;  -fstrict-overflow -fthread-jumps -ftoplevel-reorder -ftrapping-math
 ;  -ftree-builtin-call-dce -ftree-ccp -ftree-ch -ftree-copy-prop
 ;  -ftree-copyrename -ftree-dce -ftree-dominator-opts -ftree-dse
 ;  -ftree-forwprop -ftree-fre -ftree-loop-im -ftree-loop-ivcanon
 ;  -ftree-loop-optimize -ftree-parallelize-loops= -ftree-phiprop
 ;  -ftree-pre -ftree-pta -ftree-reassoc -ftree-scev-cprop -ftree-sink
 ;  -ftree-slp-vectorize -ftree-sra -ftree-switch-conversion -ftree-ter
 ;  -ftree-vect-loop-version -ftree-vrp -funit-at-a-time -fverbose-asm
 ;  -fzero-initialized-in-bss

 ;  Compiler executable checksum: 1009e10776a492a4930a8528eab0e20f

.global vecfont_draw_letters
        .type   vecfont_draw_letters, @function
        push r28         ;       ;  658 *pushqi/1       [length = 1]
        push r29         ;       ;  659 *pushqi/1       [length = 1]
/* prologue: function */
/* frame size = 0 */
/* stack size = 2 */
.L__stack_usage = 2
        movw r26,r24     ;  vf, vf       ;  2   *movhi/1        [length = 1]
        ldi r25,lo8(1)   ;  dy,  ;  19  *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine      ;  36  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r18,X         ;  iLine
        sbiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine
        adiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel     ;  37  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel
        sbiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel
        tst r24  ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel     ;  38  *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        breq .+2         ;       ;  39  branch  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L3         ; 
        tst r18  ;  iLine        ;  41  *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        breq .+2         ;       ;  42  branch  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L4         ; 
        adiw r26,17      ;  vf_32(D)->itext      ;  44  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r19,X         ;  itext
        sbiw r26,17      ;  vf_32(D)->itext
        tst r19  ;  itext        ;  45  *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L5         ; ,     ;  46  branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,6       ;  vf_32(D)->start.x    ;  48  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  vf_32(D)->start.x
        sbiw r26,6       ;  vf_32(D)->start.x
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  49  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  vf_32(D)->start.x
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        adiw r26,7       ;  vf_32(D)->start.y    ;  50  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  vf_32(D)->start.y
        sbiw r26,7       ;  vf_32(D)->start.y
        adiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y        ;  51  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  vf_32(D)->start.y
        sbiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        ld r30,X+        ;  pzeichen     ;  55  *movhi/2        [length = 3]
        ld r31,X         ;  pzeichen
        sbiw r26,1
        add r30,r19      ;  pzeichen, itext      ;  56  *addhi3_zero_extend     
[length = 2]
        adc r31,__zero_reg__     ;  pzeichen
        ld r24,Z         ;  D.2040,* pzeichen    ;  57  *movqi/4        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,10      ;  vf_32(D)->text_in_flash      ;  58  *movqi/4        
[length = 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->text_in_flash
        sbiw r26,10      ;  vf_32(D)->text_in_flash
        tst r20  ;  vf_32(D)->text_in_flash      ;  59  *cmpqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        breq .L7         ; ,     ;  60  branch  [length = 1]
/* #APP */
 ;  109 "vektor-zeichen-i.c" 1
        lpm r24, Z       ;  zeichen
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        subi r19,lo8(-(1))       ;  tmp203,      ;  71  addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,17      ;  vf_32(D)->itext      ;  72  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r19         ;  tmp203
        sbiw r26,17      ;  vf_32(D)->itext
        adiw r26,8       ;  vf_32(D)->zoom       ;  73  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r19,X         ;  zoom
        sbiw r26,8       ;  vf_32(D)->zoom
        cpi r24,lo8(33)  ;  zeichen,     ;  74  *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brsh .L8         ; ,     ;  75  branch  [length = 1]
        tst r24  ;  zeichen      ;  77  *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L9         ; ,     ;  78  branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,17      ;  vf_32(D)->itext      ;  80  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,17      ;  vf_32(D)->itext
        ldi r24,lo8(1)   ;  D.2049,      ;  26  *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L10        ;       ;  695 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(13)  ;  zeichen,     ;  86  *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        breq .L58        ; ,     ;  87  branch  [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(32)  ;  zeichen,     ;  89  *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brne .L12        ; ,     ;  90  branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  92  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  tmp209
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        subi r24,lo8(-(2))       ;  tmp209,      ;  93  addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        mov r18,r19      ;  tmp208, zoom         ;  639 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        lsl r18  ;  tmp208       ;  95  *ashlqi3/4      [length = 2]
        lsl r18  ;  tmp208
        add r18,r19      ;  tmp208, zoom         ;  96  addqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        add r24,r18      ;  tmp209, tmp208       ;  97  addqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        rjmp .L61        ;       ;  697 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(10)  ;  zeichen,     ;  103 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brne .L13        ; ,     ;  104 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y        ;  106 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  tmp213
        sbiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        subi r24,lo8(-(-3))      ;  tmp213,      ;  107 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        lsl r19  ;  tmp212       ;  108 *ashlqi3/5      [length = 3]
        lsl r19  ;  tmp212
        lsl r19  ;  tmp212
        sub r24,r19      ;  tmp213, tmp212       ;  109 subqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y        ;  110 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  tmp213
        sbiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        adiw r26,6       ;  vf_32(D)->start.x    ;  111 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  vf_32(D)->start.x
        sbiw r26,6       ;  vf_32(D)->start.x
        rjmp .L61        ;       ;  699 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(8)   ;  zeichen,     ;  117 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brne .L8         ; ,     ;  118 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  120 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  tmp220
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        subi r24,lo8(-(-2))      ;  tmp220,      ;  121 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        mov r18,r19      ;  tmp219, zoom         ;  640 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        lsl r18  ;  tmp219       ;  123 *ashlqi3/4      [length = 2]
        lsl r18  ;  tmp219
        add r18,r19      ;  tmp219, zoom         ;  124 addqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        sub r24,r18      ;  tmp220, tmp219       ;  125 subqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  126 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  tmp220
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        rjmp .L58        ;       ;  701 jump    [length = 1]
        adiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y        ;  131 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        sbiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        adiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y      ;  132 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r20         ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        sbiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  133 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  134 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r20         ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        mov r20,r24      ;  tmp223, zeichen      ;  641 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        subi r20,lo8(-(-33))     ;  tmp223,      ;  135 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        sbrc r20,7       ;  tmp223,      ;  694 *sbrx_branchhi  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L47        ; 
        mov r28,r24      ;  lookup_addr, zeichen         ;  656 *movqi/1        
[length = 1]
        ldi r29,lo8(0)   ;  lookup_addr,         ;  657 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        lsl r28  ;  lookup_addr  ;  693 *ashlhi3_const/2        [length = 2]
        rol r29  ;  lookup_addr
        subi r28,lo8(-(lookup.1264-66))  ;  lookup_addr,         ;  142 
*addhi3/4       [length = 2]
        sbci r29,hi8(-(lookup.1264-66))  ;  lookup_addr,
        ld r30,Y         ;  addr, lookup         ;  146 *movhi/2        [length 
= 2]
        ldd r31,Y+1      ;  addr, lookup
        sbiw r30,0       ;  addr         ;  147 *cmphi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L59        ; ,     ;  148 branch  [length = 1]
        rjmp .L48        ;       ;  704 jump    [length = 1]
        ldi r28,lo8(0)   ;  lookup_addr,         ;  574 *movhi/1        [length 
= 2]
        ldi r29,hi8(0)   ;  lookup_addr,
        ldi r30,lo8(vecfont_data)        ;  addr,        ;  576 *movhi/4        
[length = 2]
        ldi r31,hi8(vecfont_data)        ;  addr,
        rjmp .L59        ;       ;  706 jump    [length = 1]
        ldi r30,lo8(snake_glyph)         ;  addr,        ;  573 *movhi/4        
[length = 2]
        ldi r31,hi8(snake_glyph)         ;  addr,
/* #APP */
 ;  239 "vektor-zeichen.c" 1
        lpm r20, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
 ;  240 "vektor-zeichen.c" 1
        lpm r21, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        mov r22,r21      ;  nLines, __result     ;  642 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        andi r22,lo8(31)         ;  nLines,      ;  160 andqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        cp r20,r24       ;  __result, zeichen    ;  161 *cmpqi/2        [length 
= 1]
        breq .L15        ; ,     ;  162 branch  [length = 1]
        cpi r20,lo8(1)   ;  __result,    ;  165 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        breq .L49        ; ,     ;  166 branch  [length = 1]
        cpi r20,lo8(2)   ;  __result,    ;  168 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        breq .L15        ; ,     ;  169 branch  [length = 1]
        add r30,r22      ;  addr, nLines         ;  172 *addhi3_zero_extend     
[length = 2]
        adc r31,__zero_reg__     ;  addr
        rjmp .L59        ;       ;  708 jump    [length = 1]
        adiw r26,28      ;  vf_32(D)->zeichen    ;  178 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r20         ;  __result
        sbiw r26,28      ;  vf_32(D)->zeichen
        adiw r26,11+1    ;  vf_32(D)->addr       ;  179 *movhi/3        [length 
= 4]
        st X,r31         ;  addr
        st -X,r30        ;  addr
        sbiw r26,11      ;  vf_32(D)->addr
        adiw r26,22      ;  vf_32(D)->nLines     ;  180 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r22         ;  nLines
        sbiw r26,22      ;  vf_32(D)->nLines
        sbiw r28,0       ;  lookup_addr  ;  181 *cmphi/1        [length = 1]
        breq .L18        ; ,     ;  182 branch  [length = 1]
        sbiw r30,2       ;  tmp234,      ;  184 *addhi3/3       [length = 1]
        std Y+1,r31      ; * lookup_addr, tmp234         ;  185 *movhi/3        
[length = 2]
        st Y,r30         ; * lookup_addr, tmp234
        adiw r26,9       ;  vf_32(D)->proportional       ;  188 *movqi/4        
[length = 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  proportional
        sbiw r26,9       ;  vf_32(D)->proportional
        tst r24  ;  proportional         ;  189 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        breq .L19        ; ,     ;  190 branch  [length = 1]
        cpi r20,lo8(84)  ;  __result,    ;  192 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        breq .L20        ; ,     ;  193 branch  [length = 1]
        cpi r20,lo8(70)  ;  __result,    ;  195 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brne .L19        ; ,     ;  196 branch  [length = 1]
        subi r21,lo8(-(64))      ;  nLinesRightLeft,     ;  199 addqi3/2        
[length = 1]
        adiw r26,26      ;  vf_32(D)->left       ;  202 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r21         ;  nLinesRightLeft
        sbiw r26,26      ;  vf_32(D)->left
        adiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right      ;  203 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right
        sbrs r21,5       ;  nLinesRightLeft,     ;  207 *sbrx_branchhi  [length 
= 2]
        rjmp .L21        ; 
        tst r24  ;  proportional         ;  209 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L21        ; ,     ;  210 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right      ;  212 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r19         ;  zoom
        sbiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right
        adiw r26,29      ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky    ;  215 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,29      ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky
        adiw r26,30      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x   ;  216 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,30      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x
        adiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y      ;  217 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y
        sbiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y
        adiw r26,31      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.y   ;  218 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y
        sbiw r26,31      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.y
        adiw r26,11      ;  vf_32(D)->addr       ;  221 *movhi/2        [length 
= 4]
        ld r30,X+        ;  addr
        ld r31,X         ;  addr
        sbiw r26,11+1    ;  vf_32(D)->addr
/* #APP */
 ;  318 "vektor-zeichen.c" 1
        lpm r24, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        mov r20,r24      ;  nPixels, __result    ;  643 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        swap r20         ;  nPixels      ;  653 *rotlqi3_4      [length = 1]
        lsr r20  ;  nPixels      ;  654 *lshrqi3/3      [length = 1]
        andi r20,lo8(7)  ;  nPixels,     ;  655 andqi3/2        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,8       ;  vf_32(D)->zoom       ;  226 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r19,X         ;  zoom
        sbiw r26,8       ;  vf_32(D)->zoom
        tst r20  ;  nPixels      ;  227 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L22        ; ,     ;  228 branch  [length = 1]
/* #APP */
 ;  330 "vektor-zeichen.c" 1
        lpm r18, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        adiw r26,11+1    ;  vf_32(D)->addr       ;  234 *movhi/3        [length 
= 4]
        st X,r31         ;  addr
        st -X,r30        ;  addr
        sbiw r26,11      ;  vf_32(D)->addr
        cpi r19,lo8(2)   ;  zoom,        ;  235 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brlo .L23        ; ,     ;  236 branch  [length = 1]
        mov r20,r18      ;  tmp242, __result     ;  644 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        andi r20,lo8(-128)       ;  tmp242,      ;  238 andqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,29      ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky    ;  239 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r20         ;  tmp242
        sbiw r26,29      ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky
        andi r18,lo8(127)        ;  dy,  ;  242 andqi3/2        [length = 1]
        cpi r18,lo8(20)  ;  dy,  ;  243 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brlt .L24        ; ,     ;  244 branch  [length = 1]
        subi r18,lo8(-(-32))     ;  dy,  ;  246 addqi3/2        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  250 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  tmp247
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        adiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right      ;  251 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r21,X         ;  vf_32(D)->right
        sbiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right
        add r20,r21      ;  tmp247, vf_32(D)->right      ;  252 addqi3/1        
[length = 1]
        mul r24,r19      ;  __result, zoom       ;  253 *mulqi3_enh     [length 
= 3]
        mov r24,r0       ;  tmp246
        clr r1
        add r20,r24      ;  tmp247, tmp246       ;  254 addqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  255 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r20         ;  tmp247
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        mul r18,r19      ;  dy, zoom     ;  256 *mulqi3_enh     [length = 3]
        mov r18,r0       ;  tmp250
        clr r1
        adiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y        ;  257 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        sbiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        add r18,r24      ;  tmp250, vf_32(D)->p.y        ;  258 addqi3/1        
[length = 1]
        adiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y      ;  259 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r18         ;  tmp250
        sbiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y
        sbi 62-0x20,5    ; ,     ;  264 *sbi    [length = 1]
        adiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine      ;  265 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  tmp254
        sbiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine
        subi r24,lo8(-(2))       ;  tmp254,      ;  266 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine      ;  267 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  tmp254
        sbiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine
        rjmp .L58        ;       ;  710 jump    [length = 1]
        adiw r26,11+1    ;  vf_32(D)->addr       ;  272 *movhi/3        [length 
= 4]
        st X,r31         ;  addr
        st -X,r30        ;  addr
        sbiw r26,11      ;  vf_32(D)->addr
        adiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel     ;  273 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r21,X         ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel
        sbiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel
        tst r21  ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel     ;  274 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L25        ; ,     ;  275 branch  [length = 1]
        tst r18  ;  iLine        ;  277 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L25        ; ,     ;  278 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  280 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r21,X         ;  tmp258
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        adiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right      ;  281 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r22,X         ;  vf_32(D)->right
        sbiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right
        add r21,r22      ;  tmp258, vf_32(D)->right      ;  282 addqi3/1        
[length = 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  283 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r21         ;  tmp258
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        sbi 62-0x20,5    ; ,     ;  288 *sbi    [length = 1]
        mul r20,r19      ;  nPixels, zoom        ;  291 *mulqi3_enh     [length 
= 3]
        mov r20,r0       ;  nPixels
        clr r1
        sbrs r24,0       ;  __result,    ;  294 *sbrx_branchqi  [length = 2]
        subi r20,lo8(-(-1))      ;  nPixels,     ;  296 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        sbrs r24,1       ;  __result,    ;  301 *sbrx_branchqi  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L27        ; 
        subi r20,lo8(-(1))       ;  nPixels,     ;  303 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip     ;  305 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r25         ;  dy
        sbiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip
        tst r20  ;  nPixels      ;  308 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L28        ; ,     ;  309 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip     ;  311 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip
        rjmp .L53        ;       ;  712 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(-28)         ;  __result,    ;  316 *cmpqi/3        [length 
= 1]
        brne .L30        ; ,     ;  317 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  319 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  tmp265
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        subi r24,lo8(-(-1))      ;  tmp265,      ;  320 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        rjmp .L62        ;       ;  714 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(-26)         ;  __result,    ;  326 *cmpqi/3        [length 
= 1]
        brne .L32        ; ,     ;  327 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  329 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  tmp267
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        subi r24,lo8(-(1))       ;  tmp267,      ;  330 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  331 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  tmp267
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        adiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels    ;  346 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r19         ;  zoom
        sbiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels
        adiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip     ;  347 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip
        ldi r20,lo8(1)   ;  dy,  ;  560 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L63        ;       ;  716 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(-27)         ;  __result,    ;  336 *cmpqi/3        [length 
= 1]
        breq .L33        ; ,     ;  337 branch  [length = 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(-25)         ;  __result,    ;  339 *cmpqi/3        [length 
= 1]
        breq .L52        ; ,     ;  340 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels    ;  352 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r20         ;  nPixels
        sbiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels
        mov r19,r24      ;  dxy, __result        ;  645 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        lsr r19  ;  dxy  ;  353 *lshrqi3/4      [length = 2]
        lsr r19  ;  dxy
        andi r19,lo8(3)  ;  dxy,         ;  354 andqi3/2        [length = 1]
        brne .L37        ; ,     ;  356 branch  [length = 1]
        ldi r20,lo8(0)   ;  dy,  ;  569 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L39        ;       ;  718 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r19,lo8(1)   ;  zoom,        ;  362 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brne .+2         ;       ;  363 branch  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L53        ; 
        ldi r20,lo8(-1)  ;  dy,  ;  564 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L34        ;       ;  720 jump    [length = 1]
        ldi r20,lo8(1)   ;  dy,  ;  565 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        subi r19,lo8(-(1))       ;  tmp270,      ;  366 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        lsr r19  ;  tmp270       ;  367 *lshrqi3/3      [length = 1]
        adiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels    ;  368 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r19         ;  tmp270
        sbiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels
        adiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip     ;  369 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip
        ldi r19,lo8(0)   ;  dx,  ;  562 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L36        ;       ;  722 jump    [length = 1]
        cpi r19,lo8(3)   ;  dxy,         ;  374 *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        breq .L54        ; ,     ;  375 branch  [length = 1]
        ldi r20,lo8(-1)  ;  dy,  ;  568 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L39        ;       ;  724 jump    [length = 1]
        ldi r20,lo8(-1)  ;  dy,  ;  566 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        ldi r19,lo8(4)   ;  dxy,         ;  567 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        lsr r19  ;  dx   ;  380 *lshrqi3/3      [length = 1]
        subi r19,lo8(-(-1))      ;  dx,  ;  381 addqi3/2        [length = 1]
        sbrs r24,4       ;  __result,    ;  385 *sbrx_branchhi  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L36        ; 
        neg r19  ;  dx   ;  387 negqi2  [length = 1]
        neg r20  ;  dy   ;  388 negqi2  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,13      ;  vf_32(D)->d.x        ;  391 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r19         ;  dx
        sbiw r26,13      ;  vf_32(D)->d.x
        adiw r26,14      ;  vf_32(D)->d.y        ;  392 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r20         ;  dy
        sbiw r26,14      ;  vf_32(D)->d.y
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  395 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r19,X         ;  pixx
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        adiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y      ;  396 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  pixy
        sbiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y
        adiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip     ;  397 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->noskip
        sbiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip
        tst r20  ;  vf_32(D)->noskip     ;  398 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L40        ; ,     ;  399 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,13      ;  vf_32(D)->d.x        ;  401 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->d.x
        sbiw r26,13      ;  vf_32(D)->d.x
/* #APP */
 ;  452 "vektor-zeichen.c" 1
        subi r19, 0x80   ;  pixx
        add  r19, r20    ;  pixx, vf_32(D)->d.x
        brvc 0f
        sbi  30, 5       ; ,
0:      subi r19, 0x80   ;  pixx
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        adiw r26,14      ;  vf_32(D)->d.y        ;  404 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->d.y
        sbiw r26,14      ;  vf_32(D)->d.y
/* #APP */
 ;  453 "vektor-zeichen.c" 1
        subi r24, 0x80   ;  pixy
        add  r24, r20    ;  pixy, vf_32(D)->d.y
        brvc 0f
        sbi  30, 5       ; ,
0:      subi r24, 0x80   ;  pixy
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        adiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip     ;  409 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,24      ;  vf_32(D)->noskip
        adiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x      ;  410 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r19         ;  pixx
        sbiw r26,20      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.x
        adiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y      ;  411 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  pixy
        sbiw r26,21      ;  vf_32(D)->pix.y
        adiw r26,29      ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky    ;  412 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky
        sbiw r26,29      ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky
        tst r20  ;  vf_32(D)->shrinky    ;  413 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        breq .L41        ; ,     ;  414 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y        ;  416 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  D.2060
        sbiw r26,19      ;  vf_32(D)->p.y
        mov r21,r24      ;  y, pixy      ;  646 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        sub r21,r20      ;  y, D.2060    ;  417 subqi3/1        [length = 1]
        mov r24,r21      ;  pixy, y      ;  647 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        lsl r24  ;  pixy         ;  419 *ashlqi3/3      [length = 1]
        add r24,r21      ;  pixy, y      ;  420 addqi3/1        [length = 1]
        lsr r24  ;  pixy         ;  422 *lshrqi3/4      [length = 2]
        lsr r24  ;  pixy
        add r24,r20      ;  pixy, D.2060         ;  423 addqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,31      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.y   ;  424 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  D.2179
        sbiw r26,31      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.y
        cp r20,r24       ;  D.2179, pixy         ;  425 *cmpqi/2        [length 
= 1]
        brne .L42        ; ,     ;  426 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,30      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x   ;  428 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r21,X         ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x
        sbiw r26,30      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x
        cp r21,r19       ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x, pixx     ;  429 *cmpqi/2        
[length = 1]
        breq .L43        ; ,     ;  430 branch  [length = 1]
        mov r21,r24      ;  tmp286, pixy         ;  648 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        sub r21,r20      ;  tmp286, D.2179       ;  433 subqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
/* #APP */
 ;  480 "vektor-zeichen.c" 1
        subi r20, 0x80   ;  y
        add  r20, r21    ;  y, tmp286
        brvc 0f
        sbi  30, 5       ; ,
0:      subi r20, 0x80   ;  y
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        adiw r26,31      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.y   ;  436 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  pixy
        sbiw r26,31      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.y
        adiw r26,30      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x   ;  437 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r19         ;  pixx
        sbiw r26,30      ;  vf_32(D)->shrink.x
        mov r6,r19       ;  reg_pixel, pixx      ;  440 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        mov r7,r24       ;  reg_pixel, pixy      ;  441 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        sbi 62-0x20,1    ; ,     ;  446 *sbi    [length = 1]
        adiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel     ;  449 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  D.2187
        sbiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel
        subi r24,lo8(-(1))       ;  D.2187,      ;  450 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel     ;  451 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  D.2187
        sbiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel
        adiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels    ;  452 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r19,X         ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels
        sbiw r26,15      ;  vf_32(D)->nPixels
        cp r24,r19       ;  D.2187, vf_32(D)->nPixels    ;  453 *cmpqi/2        
[length = 1]
        breq .+2         ;       ;  454 branch  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L55        ; 
        ldi r19,lo8(0)   ;  go_redraw,   ;  577 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L29        ;       ;  726 jump    [length = 1]
        ldi r19,lo8(1)   ;  go_redraw,   ;  563 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel     ;  457 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,16      ;  vf_32(D)->iPixel
        subi r18,lo8(-(1))       ;  iLine,       ;  458 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        adiw r26,22      ;  vf_32(D)->nLines     ;  459 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  vf_32(D)->nLines
        sbiw r26,22      ;  vf_32(D)->nLines
        cp r18,r24       ;  iLine, vf_32(D)->nLines      ;  460 *cmpqi/2        
[length = 1]
        brne .L44        ; ,     ;  461 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,8       ;  vf_32(D)->zoom       ;  463 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  zoom
        sbiw r26,8       ;  vf_32(D)->zoom
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  464 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r24,X         ;  px
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        subi r24,lo8(-(2))       ;  px,  ;  465 addqi3/2        [length = 1]
        mov r18,r20      ;  tmp295, zoom         ;  649 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        lsl r18  ;  tmp295       ;  467 *ashlqi3/4      [length = 2]
        lsl r18  ;  tmp295
        add r18,r20      ;  tmp295, zoom         ;  468 addqi3/1        [length 
= 1]
        add r24,r18      ;  px, tmp295   ;  469 addqi3/1        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,9       ;  vf_32(D)->proportional       ;  470 *movqi/4        
[length = 3]
        ld r18,X         ;  vf_32(D)->proportional
        sbiw r26,9       ;  vf_32(D)->proportional
        tst r18  ;  vf_32(D)->proportional       ;  471 *cmpqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        breq .L45        ; ,     ;  472 branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,26      ;  vf_32(D)->left       ;  474 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r18,X         ;  left
        sbiw r26,26      ;  vf_32(D)->left
        andi r18,lo8(-64)        ;  left,        ;  475 andqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        breq .L45        ; ,     ;  477 branch  [length = 1]
        swap r18         ;  left         ;  650 *rotlqi3_4      [length = 1]
        lsr r18  ;  left         ;  651 *lshrqi3/4      [length = 2]
        lsr r18  ;  left
        andi r18,lo8(3)  ;  left,        ;  652 andqi3/2        [length = 1]
        mul r18,r20      ;  left, zoom   ;  480 *mulqi3_enh     [length = 3]
        mov r18,r0       ;  left
        clr r1
        adiw r26,28      ;  vf_32(D)->zeichen    ;  481 *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  vf_32(D)->zeichen
        sbiw r26,28      ;  vf_32(D)->zeichen
        cpi r20,lo8(99)  ;  vf_32(D)->zeichen,   ;  482 *cmpqi/3        [length 
= 1]
        brne .L46        ; ,     ;  483 branch  [length = 1]
        subi r18,lo8(-(1))       ;  left,        ;  485 addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        sub r24,r18      ;  px, left     ;  488 subqi3/1        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,26      ;  vf_32(D)->left       ;  489 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,26      ;  vf_32(D)->left
        adiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right      ;  492 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,__zero_reg__        ; 
        sbiw r26,25      ;  vf_32(D)->right
        adiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x        ;  493 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  px
        sbiw r26,18      ;  vf_32(D)->p.x
        ldi r18,lo8(0)   ;  iLine,       ;  578 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine      ;  496 *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r18         ;  iLine
        sbiw r26,23      ;  vf_32(D)->iLine
        tst r19  ;  go_redraw    ;  497 *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        breq .+2         ;       ;  498 branch  [length = 2]
        rjmp .L58        ; 
        ldi r24,lo8(0)   ;  D.2049,      ;  27  *movqi/1        [length = 1]
/* epilogue start */
        pop r29  ;       ;  662 popqi   [length = 1]
        pop r28  ;       ;  663 popqi   [length = 1]
        ret      ;  664 return_from_epilogue    [length = 1]
        .size   vecfont_draw_letters, .-vecfont_draw_letters
        .lcomm lookup.1264,190
typedef int int8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
typedef unsigned int uint8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
typedef int int16_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));
typedef unsigned int uint16_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));

typedef struct { uint8_t x, y; } upixel8_t;
typedef struct { int8_t x, y; } pixel8_t;

typedef struct { uint16_t x, y; } upixel16_t;
typedef struct { int16_t x, y; } pixel16_t;
register upixel8_t reg_pixel asm ("6");
typedef uint8_t vf_uint_t;
typedef int8_t vf_int_t;
typedef upixel8_t vf_upixel_t;
typedef pixel8_t vf_spixel_t;
extern const uint8_t vecfont_data[];

typedef struct

    const char * text;

    void (*beam_xy)(vf_uint_t x, vf_uint_t y);

    void (*beam_skip)(void);

    vf_upixel_t start;

    uint8_t zoom;

    uint8_t proportional;

    uint8_t text_in_flash;

    const uint8_t * addr;
    vf_spixel_t d;
    vf_uint_t nPixels;
    vf_uint_t iPixel;
    vf_uint_t itext;
    vf_upixel_t p;
    vf_upixel_t pix;
    uint8_t nLines;
    uint8_t iLine;
    uint8_t noskip;
    uint8_t right;
    uint8_t left;
    uint8_t inject_char;
    uint8_t zeichen;
    uint8_t shrinky;
    vf_upixel_t shrink;
} vecfont_t;

extern uint8_t vecfont_draw_letters (vecfont_t * vf);
extern void vecfont_reset (vecfont_t * vf);

uint8_t vecfont_draw_letters (vecfont_t * vf)
    while (0==0)

        uint8_t iLine = vf->iLine;

        if (vf->iPixel == 0)

            if (iLine == 0)

                uint8_t zeichen;


                    vf_uint_t itext = vf->itext;
                    if (itext == 0)

                        vf->p.x = vf->start.x;
                        vf->p.y = vf->start.y;

                    const char * pzeichen = &vf->text[itext];

                    zeichen = (uint8_t) *pzeichen;

                    if (vf->text_in_flash)
                        zeichen = (__extension__({ uint16_t __addr16 = 
(uint16_t)((uint16_t)(pzeichen)); uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm %0, Z" 
"\n\t" : "=r" (__result) : "z" (__addr16) ); __result; }));

                    vf->itext = itext+1;
# 146 "vektor-zeichen.c"
                uint8_t zoom = vf->zoom;

                if (zeichen <= ' ')
                    if (zeichen == '\0')

                        vf->itext = 0;
                        return 1;

                    if (zeichen == '\r')

                    if (zeichen == ' ')
                        vf->p.x += (2+5*(zoom));

                    if (zeichen == '\n')
                        vf->p.y -= (vf_uint_t) (3+8*(zoom));
                        vf->p.x = vf->start.x;

                    if (zeichen == '\b')
                        vf->p.x -= (vf_uint_t) (2+5*(zoom));

# 205 "vektor-zeichen.c"
                vf->pix.y = vf->p.y;
                vf->pix.x = vf->p.x;

                const uint8_t * addr = vecfont_data;

                static const uint8_t * lookup[(uint8_t) (127 - 0x21 +1)];

                const uint8_t ** lookup_addr = 0;

                if (zeichen >= 0x21
                    && zeichen <= (uint16_t) 0x21 + 127)
                    lookup_addr = & lookup[zeichen - 0x21];

                    if (*lookup_addr)

                        addr = *lookup_addr;

                uint8_t nLines;
                uint8_t nLinesRightLeft;
                uint8_t id;

                while (1)
                    id = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm %0, 
Z+" : "=r" (__result), "=z" (addr) : "1" (addr) ); __result; }));
                    nLinesRightLeft = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; 
__asm__ ( "lpm %0, Z+" : "=r" (__result), "=z" (addr) : "1" (addr) ); __result; 

                    nLines = nLinesRightLeft & 0x1f;

                    if (id == zeichen)


                    if (id == ((uint8_t) '\001'))

                        extern const uint8_t snake_glyph[];
                        addr = (const uint8_t*) snake_glyph;

                    if (id == ((uint8_t) '\002'))


                    addr += nLines;

                vf->zeichen = id;
                vf->addr = addr;
                vf->nLines = nLines;

                if (lookup_addr)
                    *lookup_addr = addr - 2;

                uint8_t proportional = 0;

                proportional = vf->proportional;

                if (proportional)

                    if (id == 'T' || id == 'F')
                        nLinesRightLeft += (1 << 6);

                vf->left = nLinesRightLeft;
                vf->right = 0;

                if ((nLinesRightLeft & (1 << 5)) && !proportional)
                    vf->right = zoom;

                vf->shrinky = 0;
                vf->shrink.x = 0;

                vf->shrink.y = vf->pix.y;


            const uint8_t * addr = vf->addr;

            uint8_t data = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm 
%0, Z+" : "=r" (__result), "=z" (addr) : "1" (addr) ); __result; }));

            vf_uint_t nPixels = data >> 5;

            vf_int_t dx, dy;
            uint8_t zoom = vf->zoom;

            if (nPixels == 0)

                dx = data;
                dy = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm %0, Z+" 
: "=r" (__result), "=z" (addr) : "1" (addr) ); __result; }));

                vf->addr = addr;

                if (zoom > 1)
                    vf->shrinky = dy & (1 << 7);
                dy &= ~(1 << 7);

                if (dy >= 20)
                    dy -= 32;

                dx = (vf_uint_t) dx * zoom;
                dy = (vf_uint_t) dy * zoom;

                dx += vf->right;

                vf->pix.x = vf->p.x + dx;
                vf->pix.y = vf->p.y + dy;

                do { (void) 0; (*(volatile uint8_t *)((0x1E) + 0x20)) |= 
(1<<5); } while (0);
                vf->iLine += 2;


            vf->addr = addr;

            if (vf->iPixel == 0)
                if (iLine == 0)

                    vf->pix.x += vf->right;
                    do { (void) 0; (*(volatile uint8_t *)((0x1E) + 0x20)) |= 
(1<<5); } while (0);

            nPixels *= zoom;
# 379 "vektor-zeichen.c"

                uint8_t d;

                if ((d = data & 1, d)) nPixels++;

                if ((d = data & 2, d)) nPixels++, vf->noskip = 1;

                if (!nPixels)
                    vf->noskip = 0;
                    goto next_pixel;

            uint8_t dots = 0;

            if (data == ((7 << 5) | (0 ? 2 : 0) | (0 ? 1 : 0) | (( (-1 == 1 && 
-1 == 0) ? 4 : (-1 == 1 && -1 == -1) ? 3 : (-1 == 0 && -1 == -1) ? 2 : (-1 == 
-1 && -1 == -1) ? 1 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 0) ? 0 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 1) ? 7 : 
(-1 == 0 && -1 == 1) ? 6 : 5 ) << 2))) vf->pix.x --, dots = 1;
            if (data == ((7 << 5) | (1 ? 2 : 0) | (0 ? 1 : 0) | (( (-1 == 1 && 
-1 == 0) ? 4 : (-1 == 1 && -1 == -1) ? 3 : (-1 == 0 && -1 == -1) ? 2 : (-1 == 
-1 && -1 == -1) ? 1 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 0) ? 0 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 1) ? 7 : 
(-1 == 0 && -1 == 1) ? 6 : 5 ) << 2))) vf->pix.x ++, dots = 1;
            if (data == ((7 << 5) | (0 ? 2 : 0) | (1 ? 1 : 0) | (( (-1 == 1 && 
-1 == 0) ? 4 : (-1 == 1 && -1 == -1) ? 3 : (-1 == 0 && -1 == -1) ? 2 : (-1 == 
-1 && -1 == -1) ? 1 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 0) ? 0 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 1) ? 7 : 
(-1 == 0 && -1 == 1) ? 6 : 5 ) << 2))) dy = -1, dots = 2;
            if (data == ((7 << 5) | (1 ? 2 : 0) | (1 ? 1 : 0) | (( (-1 == 1 && 
-1 == 0) ? 4 : (-1 == 1 && -1 == -1) ? 3 : (-1 == 0 && -1 == -1) ? 2 : (-1 == 
-1 && -1 == -1) ? 1 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 0) ? 0 : (-1 == -1 && -1 == 1) ? 7 : 
(-1 == 0 && -1 == 1) ? 6 : 5 ) << 2))) dy = 1, dots = 3;

            if (dots == 1)
                vf->nPixels = zoom;
                dx = 0;
                dy = 1;
                vf->noskip = 0;
            else if (dots >= 2)
                if (dots == 2 && zoom == 1)
                    goto next_pixel;

                dx = 0;
                vf->nPixels = (uint8_t) (zoom+1)/2;
                vf->noskip = 0;

                vf->nPixels = nPixels;

                uint8_t dxy = (data >> 2) & 3;

                dy = dxy;
                if (dy) dy = -1;
                if (dxy == 3) dxy = 4;
                dx = dxy >> 1;
                dx -= 1;

                if (data & (1 << 4))
                    dx = -dx, dy = -dy;

            vf->d.x = dx;
            vf->d.y = dy;

        vf_uint_t pixx = vf->pix.x;
        vf_uint_t pixy = vf->pix.y;

        if (!vf->noskip)

            asm volatile ( "subi %[x], 0x80" "\n\t" "add  %[x], %[y]" "\n\t" 
"brvc 0f" "\n\t" "sbi  %[flags], %[skipbit]" "\n" "0:\tsubi %[x], 0x80" : [x] 
"+d" (pixx) : [y] "r" (vf->d.x), [flags] "n" ((((uint16_t) &((*(volatile 
uint8_t *)((0x1E) + 0x20)))) - 0x20)), [skipbit] "n" (5));
            asm volatile ( "subi %[x], 0x80" "\n\t" "add  %[x], %[y]" "\n\t" 
"brvc 0f" "\n\t" "sbi  %[flags], %[skipbit]" "\n" "0:\tsubi %[x], 0x80" : [x] 
"+d" (pixy) : [y] "r" (vf->d.y), [flags] "n" ((((uint16_t) &((*(volatile 
uint8_t *)((0x1E) + 0x20)))) - 0x20)), [skipbit] "n" (5));

        vf->noskip = 0;

        vf->pix.x = pixx;
        vf->pix.y = pixy;

        uint8_t doplot = 1;

        if (vf->shrinky)
            uint8_t y = pixy - vf->p.y;
            y *= 3; y /= 4;
            pixy = vf->p.y+y;

            if (vf->shrink.y != pixy || vf->shrink.x != pixx)

                y = vf->shrink.y;
                int8_t delta = pixy-y;
                asm volatile ( "subi %[x], 0x80" "\n\t" "add  %[x], %[y]" 
"\n\t" "brvc 0f" "\n\t" "sbi  %[flags], %[skipbit]" "\n" "0:\tsubi %[x], 0x80" 
: [x] "+d" (y) : [y] "r" (delta), [flags] "n" ((((uint16_t) &((*(volatile 
uint8_t *)((0x1E) + 0x20)))) - 0x20)), [skipbit] "n" (5));

                vf->shrink.y = pixy;
                vf->shrink.x = pixx;
                doplot = 0;

        if (doplot)

                do { (void) 0; reg_pixel.x = pixx; reg_pixel.y = pixy; 
(*(volatile uint8_t *)((0x1E) + 0x20)) |= (1<<1); } while(0);

        if (++vf->iPixel == vf->nPixels)
            uint8_t go_redraw = 0;

            if (0)
                    go_redraw = 1;

            vf->iPixel = 0;

            if (++iLine == vf->nLines)
                iLine = 0;

                vf_uint_t px = vf->p.x;
                uint8_t zoom = vf->zoom;
                px += (2+5*(zoom));

                if (vf->proportional)

                    uint8_t left = vf->left & 0xc0;
                    if (left)
                        left >>= 6;
                        left = (vf_uint_t) (left * zoom);
                        if (vf->zeichen == 'c')
                        px -= left;
                        vf->left = 0;

                vf->right = 0;
                vf->p.x = px;
            vf->iLine = iLine;

            if (go_redraw)


    return 0;
        .file   "snake-i.c"
__SREG__ = 0x3f
__SP_H__ = 0x3e
__SP_L__ = 0x3d
__tmp_reg__ = 0
__zero_reg__ = 1
        .global __do_copy_data
        .global __do_clear_bss
 ;  GNU C (GCC) version 4.5.1 (avr)
 ;      compiled by GNU C version 4.1.0 (SUSE Linux), GMP version 4.3.1, MPFR 
version 2.4.2, MPC version 0.8.1
 ;  GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=100 --param ggc-min-heapsize=131072
 ;  options passed:  -fpreprocessed snake-i.i -mmcu=atmega168 -Os
 ;  -std=gnu99 -fverbose-asm
 ;  options enabled:  -falign-loops -fargument-alias -fauto-inc-dec
 ;  -fbranch-count-reg -fcaller-saves -fcommon -fcprop-registers
 ;  -fcrossjumping -fcse-follow-jumps -fdefer-pop -fearly-inlining
 ;  -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fexpensive-optimizations
 ;  -fforward-propagate -ffunction-cse -fgcse -fgcse-lm
 ;  -fguess-branch-probability -fident -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2
 ;  -findirect-inlining -finline -finline-functions
 ;  -finline-functions-called-once -finline-small-functions -fipa-cp
 ;  -fipa-pure-const -fipa-reference -fipa-sra -fira-share-save-slots
 ;  -fira-share-spill-slots -fivopts -fkeep-static-consts
 ;  -fleading-underscore -fmath-errno -fmerge-constants
 ;  -fmerge-debug-strings -fmove-loop-invariants -fomit-frame-pointer
 ;  -foptimize-register-move -foptimize-sibling-calls -fpeephole
 ;  -fpeephole2 -freg-struct-return -fregmove -freorder-blocks
 ;  -freorder-functions -frerun-cse-after-loop
 ;  -fsched-critical-path-heuristic -fsched-dep-count-heuristic
 ;  -fsched-group-heuristic -fsched-interblock -fsched-last-insn-heuristic
 ;  -fsched-rank-heuristic -fsched-spec -fsched-spec-insn-heuristic
 ;  -fsched-stalled-insns-dep -fshow-column -fsigned-zeros
 ;  -fsplit-ivs-in-unroller -fsplit-wide-types -fstrict-aliasing
 ;  -fstrict-overflow -fthread-jumps -ftoplevel-reorder -ftrapping-math
 ;  -ftree-builtin-call-dce -ftree-ccp -ftree-ch -ftree-copy-prop
 ;  -ftree-copyrename -ftree-dce -ftree-dominator-opts -ftree-dse
 ;  -ftree-forwprop -ftree-fre -ftree-loop-im -ftree-loop-ivcanon
 ;  -ftree-loop-optimize -ftree-parallelize-loops= -ftree-phiprop
 ;  -ftree-pre -ftree-pta -ftree-reassoc -ftree-scev-cprop -ftree-sink
 ;  -ftree-slp-vectorize -ftree-sra -ftree-switch-conversion -ftree-ter
 ;  -ftree-vect-loop-version -ftree-vrp -funit-at-a-time -fverbose-asm
 ;  -fzero-initialized-in-bss

 ;  Compiler executable checksum: 1009e10776a492a4930a8528eab0e20f

.global snake_read_wall_seg
        .type   snake_read_wall_seg, @function
        push r17         ;       ;  144 *pushqi/1       [length = 1]
/* prologue: function */
/* frame size = 0 */
/* stack size = 1 */
.L__stack_usage = 1
        movw r26,r24     ;  sb, sb       ;  2   *movhi/1        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,12      ;  sb_11(D)->draw.wall  ;  13  *movhi/2        [length 
= 4]
        ld r30,X+        ;  wall
        ld r31,X         ;  wall
        sbiw r26,12+1    ;  sb_11(D)->draw.wall
        ldi r24,lo8(-4)  ;  tmp73,       ;  14  *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,7       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.elem  ;  15  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  tmp73
        sbiw r26,7       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.elem
        adiw r26,5       ;  sb_11(D)->level      ;  16  *movqi/4        [length 
= 3]
        ld r20,X         ;  sb_level
        sbiw r26,5       ;  sb_11(D)->level
        mov r21,r20      ;  sb_level_40, sb_level        ;  140 *movqi/1        
[length = 1]
        subi r21,lo8(-(64))      ;  sb_level_40,         ;  17  addqi3/2        
[length = 1]
        ldi r24,lo8(snake_wall)  ;  tmp75,       ;  138 *movhi/4        [length 
= 2]
        ldi r25,hi8(snake_wall)  ;  tmp75,
        mov r25,r24      ;  dir_0,       ;  141 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        eor r25,r30      ;  dir_0, wall  ;  20  xorqi3  [length = 1]
/* #APP */
 ;  75 "snake-i.c" 1
        lpm r24, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        cpi r24,lo8(-127)        ;  __result,    ;  30  *cmpqi/3        [length 
= 1]
        brne .L11        ; ,     ;  31  branch  [length = 1]
/* #APP */
 ;  80 "snake-i.c" 1
        lpm r24, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        adiw r26,10      ;  sb_11(D)->draw.x     ;  36  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  __result
        sbiw r26,10      ;  sb_11(D)->draw.x
/* #APP */
 ;  81 "snake-i.c" 1
        lpm r24, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        adiw r26,11      ;  sb_11(D)->draw.y     ;  40  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  __result
        sbiw r26,11      ;  sb_11(D)->draw.y
/* #APP */
 ;  82 "snake-i.c" 1
        lpm r24, Z+      ;  __result
 ;  0 "" 2
/* #NOAPP */
        subi r25,lo8(-(1))       ;  dir_0,       ;  44  addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        ldi r23,lo8(1)   ;  first,       ;  122 *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        rjmp .L4         ;       ;  150 jump    [length = 1]
        ldi r23,lo8(0)   ;  first,       ;  123 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        subi r25,lo8(-(1))       ;  dir_0,       ;  47  addqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        mov r17,r25      ;  dir, dir_0   ;  142 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        andi r17,lo8(1)  ;  dir,         ;  48  andqi3/2        [length = 1]
        sbrc r24,0       ;  dir_len,     ;  52  *sbrx_branchhi  [length = 2]
        ori r17,lo8(2)   ;  dir,         ;  54  iorqi3/2        [length = 1]
        mov r22,r24      ;  level, dir_len       ;  143 *movqi/1        [length 
= 1]
        lsr r22  ;  level        ;  57  *lshrqi3/3      [length = 1]
        andi r22,lo8(67)         ;  level,       ;  58  andqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        cp r22,r21       ;  level, sb_level_40   ;  59  *cmpqi/2        [length 
= 1]
        brsh .L12        ; ,     ;  60  branch  [length = 1]
        ldi r18,lo8(1)   ;  iftmp.4,     ;  125 *movhi/4        [length = 2]
        ldi r19,hi8(1)   ;  iftmp.4,
        cp r22,r20       ;  level, sb_level      ;  63  *cmpqi/2        [length 
= 1]
        brlo .L6         ; ,     ;  64  branch  [length = 1]
        ldi r18,lo8(0)   ;  iftmp.4,     ;  126 *movhi/1        [length = 2]
        ldi r19,hi8(0)   ;  iftmp.4,
        rjmp .L6         ;       ;  152 jump    [length = 1]
        ldi r18,lo8(1)   ;  iftmp.4,     ;  124 *movhi/4        [length = 2]
        ldi r19,hi8(1)   ;  iftmp.4,
        andi r24,lo8(121)        ;  dir_len,     ;  70  andqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        cpi r24,lo8(1)   ;  dir_len,     ;  71  *cmpqi/3        [length = 1]
        brne .L8         ; ,     ;  72  branch  [length = 1]
        tst r18  ;  level_ok     ;  74  *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L15        ; ,     ;  75  branch  [length = 1]
        ldi r24,lo8(0)   ;  dir_len,     ;  127 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
        andi r24,lo8(120)        ;  len,         ;  78  andqi3/2        [length 
= 1]
        breq .L9         ; ,     ;  80  branch  [length = 1]
        tst r18  ;  level_ok     ;  82  *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        breq .L15        ; ,     ;  83  branch  [length = 1]
        adiw r26,12+1    ;  sb_11(D)->draw.wall  ;  86  *movhi/3        [length 
= 4]
        st X,r31         ;  wall
        st -X,r30        ;  wall
        sbiw r26,12      ;  sb_11(D)->draw.wall
        adiw r26,9       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.dir   ;  87  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r17         ;  dir
        sbiw r26,9       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.dir
        adiw r26,8       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.len   ;  88  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  len
        sbiw r26,8       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.len
        tst r24  ;  len  ;  89  *cmpqi/1        [length = 1]
        brne .L10        ; ,     ;  90  branch  [length = 1]
        ldi r24,lo8(-3)  ;  tmp86,       ;  92  *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        adiw r26,7       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.elem  ;  93  *movqi/3        [length 
= 3]
        st X,r24         ;  tmp86
        sbiw r26,7       ;  sb_11(D)->draw.elem
        ldi r23,lo8(1)   ;  first,       ;  10  *movqi/2        [length = 1]
        mov r24,r23      ; , first       ;  100 *movqi/1        [length = 1]
/* epilogue start */
        pop r17  ;       ;  147 popqi   [length = 1]
        ret      ;  148 return_from_epilogue    [length = 1]
        .size   snake_read_wall_seg, .-snake_read_wall_seg
typedef unsigned int size_t;

typedef int int8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
typedef unsigned int uint8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
typedef int int16_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));
typedef unsigned int uint16_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));

typedef struct { uint8_t x, y; } upixel8_t;
typedef struct { int8_t x, y; } pixel8_t;

typedef struct
    uint8_t dir;

            upixel8_t head;
            upixel8_t food;
        upixel8_t p[2];

    uint8_t level;
    uint8_t ntexte;

        uint8_t elem;
        uint8_t len;
        uint8_t dir;
        uint8_t x, y;
        const uint8_t * wall;
        uint8_t ntext;
    } draw;

        uint8_t start;
        uint8_t nseg;

            uint8_t dir, len;
        } seg[25];
    } body;

    char str[15];
} snake_frame_t;

extern const uint8_t snake_wall[];

extern uint8_t snake_read_wall_seg (snake_frame_t *s);

snake_read_wall_seg (snake_frame_t *sb)
    uint8_t dir_len, dir, len, dir_0;
    uint8_t sb_level, sb_level_40;
    const uint8_t * wall = sb->draw.wall;

    (void) 0;

    sb->draw.elem = 0xfd-1;
    sb_level = sb->level;
    sb_level_40 = sb_level + 0x40;
    dir_0 = ((unsigned int) wall) ^ ((unsigned int) snake_wall);


    uint8_t first = 0;
    dir_len = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm %0, Z+" : "=r" 
(__result), "=z" (wall) : "1" (wall) ); __result; }));

    if (dir_len == (0 | ( 0x01 & (2 >> 1)) | ( 0x78 & (0 << 3)) | ( 0x86 & 
((0x40) << 1)) ))
        first = 1;
        sb->draw.x = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm %0, Z+" 
: "=r" (__result), "=z" (wall) : "1" (wall) ); __result; }));
        sb->draw.y = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm %0, Z+" 
: "=r" (__result), "=z" (wall) : "1" (wall) ); __result; }));
        dir_len = (__extension__({ uint8_t __result; __asm__ ( "lpm %0, Z+" : 
"=r" (__result), "=z" (wall) : "1" (wall) ); __result; }));

    dir = dir_0 & 1;

    if (dir_len & 1)
        dir |= 2;

    uint8_t level = dir_len >> 1;
    level &= 0x43;

    uint8_t level_ok = sb_level_40 <= level
        || sb_level > level;

    dir_len &= ~0x86;

    if (dir_len == 1)

        if (level_ok)

            goto _next_seg;

        dir_len = 0;

    len = dir_len & 0x78;

    if (len && !level_ok)

        goto _next_seg;

    sb->draw.wall = wall;
    sb->draw.dir = dir;
    sb->draw.len = len;

    if (!len)

        sb->draw.elem = 0xfd;
        return 1;

    return first;

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