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[avr-gcc-list] uisp - atmega16 "dead" after setting high/low fuses

From: Rieker Flaik
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] uisp - atmega16 "dead" after setting high/low fuses
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 09:03:05 +0100


 I did a ATMega16-Hobby-Project a while ago. Today I changed the source
code, compiled it and tried to upload the hex-file into the chip. But it
wasn't possible because uisp couldn't even detect the chip-model. "Maybe
I falsely set some Lock-Bits a while ago", I thought and took a second
ATMega16 from my cubicle of electronic equipment and tested it with:

uisp -dlpt=/dev/parport0 --rd_fuses -dprog=dapa

  I remember that it showed the correct chip-model and the default
values for all fuses.

  In my design I use a external crystal. So I tried to set the
fuse-bytes accordingly:

  7 OCDEN   "On Chip Debug"        1
  6 JTAGEN  "JTAG"                 1
  5 SPIEN   "Serial Programming"   0
  4 CKOPT   "Oscillator Option"    0
  3 EESAVE  "EEPROM is preserved"  1
  2 BOOTSZ1 "Boot Size"            0
  1 BOOTSZ0 "Boot Size"            0
  0 BOOTRST "Reset Vector"         1


  7 BODLEVEL "Brown-out"           1
  6 BODEN    "Brown-out enabled"   1
  5 SUT1     "Start-up Time"       1
  4 SUT0     "Start-up time"       1
  3 CKSEL3   "Clock"               1
  2 CKSEL2   "Clock"               1
  1 CKSEL1   "Clock"               1
  0 CKSEL0   "Clock"               1


did a:

uisp -dlpt=/dev/parport0 --wr_fuse_h=0xC9 --wr_fuse_l=0xFF -dprog=dapa

 and the device was gone :-( 

Even a "uisp -dlpt=/dev/parport0 --rd_fuses -dprog=dapa" doesn't work.

What could be the problem?


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