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[avr-gcc-list] tinyAVR: multiplication of multi-byte integers

From: Wolfgang Hospital
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] tinyAVR: multiplication of multi-byte integers
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 10:14:32 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20110624 Thunderbird/5.0

For multiplication by iterated conditional additions, a different context brought up retiring two multiplier bits per trip, which I think too good to pass, e.g.:

__mulhi3:           ;    0
    movw    a0, p0  ; 1
# if codePinched
    clr     p1      ; 2     partialProduct = 0
    clr     p0      ; 3
    rjmp    shiftM0 ; 5
# else
    lsr     m0      ; 2
#  if greedy
    brcs    shiftM1 ;3/4    neither helps nor hurts worst case:
; without this, it's 4 to clear, 1 to not skip 2 to add = 7
; exp -1.5 cycles, +1 word
#  endif
    clr     p1      ;3/4    partialProduct = 0
    clr     p0      ;4/5
#  if !greedy
    brcc    shiftM1 ;5/7    said worst case
#  else
    lsr     m1      ; 6
    brcs    addHigh ;7/8 8(-4)
    rjmp    shiftA  ; 9  9(-5)  -1 cycle, +4 words
#  endif
# endif
    add     p0,a0   ; 1
    adc     p1,a1   ; 2
shiftM1:            ;       handling this 2nd multiplier bit even
    lsr     m1      ; 3      if the multiplicand is zero after its
    brcc    pc+2    ;4/5     next/first shift adds 3 cycles to the
addHigh:            ;           earlyOutA variant, more with fastIn
    add     p1, a0  ; 5
    add     a0, a0  ; 6     why is adc zero-flag handling ...
    adc     a1, a1  ; 7         ... different from subc/sbci/cpc?
shiftM0:            ;    7
    lsr     m0      ; 8
    brcs    addFull ;9/10
# if earlyOutA && !earlyOutA2
    cpse    a0,_zero;+1     _no help_ with m0's most significant 1s
# endif
    sbci    m1, 0   ; 10    presume a zero reg or a high reg?
    brne    shiftM1 ;11/12-2 early(?) out because m is zero
done:               ; wc: 8*10+8+1/2=88+1/2  @14+1/2+1 words ?!
    ret             ; best: 14 (0=b&0xfffe) (none for a)
                    ;(earlyOutA: wc: 8*11+6=98 @15+1/2+1 words)

(Considering the apparent enthusiasm for meta questions(&advice), this may be going the other extreme, not elaborating on rationale&circumstances.)



Wolfgang Hospital

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