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Re: Version/Signature in Flash

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: Re: Version/Signature in Flash
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:07:54 +0100
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This will keep it in flash and not let the linker strip its value.
Also when preparing your .hex file for flashing you may need to
explicitly tell the sections you want.

avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .my_signature -O ihex prog.elf

works perfect! Thanks!

Maybe an additional question as I am using different controllers.

Is there any option to tell the linker something like

This can be done easily in the linker script, but I did not want to take
a copy of the whole avr-libc/binutils installation to add a new section
in each of the .x files.
Some idea how I can "ask" for the last possible flash address of the
controller? Maybe by compiling some empty prog, picking a symbol from
elf, place it in the Makefile-variable and go for final link? Strange...
:) Sounds possible... I will also take a look...


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