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[avr-libc-dev] Re: headers only / bootstrapping an avr toolchain

From: Sven Köhler
Subject: [avr-libc-dev] Re: headers only / bootstrapping an avr toolchain
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 10:16:16 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081017)

Weddington, Eric schrieb:
Do Gentoo developers not know how to read documentation?:

I'm not sure who developed the avr-libc package for Gentoo. But it turns out, that running
  crossdev --without-headers -S -t avr

works just fine.

Information on how to build an AVR toolchain has been in the avr-libc user 
manual for a long time.

If you just want to build a C and C++ toolchain for the AVR then build, in 
- binutils
- gcc
- avr-libc

I also happen to build the Objective C compiler for the AVR (not that anyone in 
their right mind would use it), and I end up doing:
- binutils
- gcc, C compiler only (in essence just enough to build avr-libc)
- avr-libc
- gcc, full build for c, c++, objc

I do this because the objc compiler needs to have the headers built and 
installed first. The C and C++ compilers don't seem to have a problem with that 
(at least for the AVR).

So that could be a problem. So actually there is a dependency of the gcc-package (including objc) on the avr-libc headers? So instead of building gcc twice, it might be better to install avr-libc's headers after binutils and before gcc?

If the avr-libc documentation is lacking then please suggest a patch so we can 
fix it.

Thank you for looking into getting crossdev fixed. It has been broken for so 
long, we have just been telling users to stop using it to build an AVR 

I'm trying my best.

I already have my C compiler installed, but things like c++/objc will be another big step.

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