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[Axiom-developer] [#17 algebra BOOTSTRAP fixed point] additional informa

From: anonymous
Subject: [Axiom-developer] [#17 algebra BOOTSTRAP fixed point] additional information
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:14:03 -0600

I have built first-iteration and second-iteration axioms. An identical
fixedPoint.log was produced. I have been examining the domain
vectors, trying to find some clues. 

I failed to spot a difference in two domains; BINFILE in files.spad,
and PRIMELT in primelt.spad. Indeed, for PRIMELT note that:

(1) -> )lisp (setq |$DALYMODE| t)

Value = T
(1) -> (trace |eval|)

Value = (|eval|)
(1) -> PF   ==> PrimeField 5
                                                                   Type: Void
(2) -> VPF  ==> Vector PF
                                                                   Type: Void
(3) -> vec : VPF := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

   (3)  [0,1,2,3,4]
                                                    Type: Vector PrimeField 5
(4) -> inv(vec)$INBFF(PF)    

  1> (|eval| (|InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions| (|PrimeField| 5)))
  <1 (|eval| #<vector 08df6888>)
  1> (|eval| #<vector 08df6888>)
  <1 (|eval| #<vector 08df6888>)
  1> (|eval| (SPADCALL (QUOTE #<vector 08db9428>) 
       (QUOTE (#<compiled-function |INBFF;inv;2V;1|> . #<vector 08df6888>))))
   >> Error detected within library code:
   index out of range

protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)

This happens in both builds. Im assuming at the moment the domain
vector is being indexed improperly (as opposed to the `vec'
argument). I'll look into this further. I have not tested BINFILE to
see if a similar problem is occurring there is well. 

I have attached the notes I have made while examining the domain
vectors. They show what commands I used to get the domain vectors,
followed by a snip of the vectors where I noticed a difference.

I have yet to trace FORTRAN, fortran.spad.

Generally, the domain vectors below are changing w.r.t dependencies on
SingleInteger, or Integer. I feel that looking at the build w.r.t
these two domains would be a good direction for future investigations.

Sorry this message is so terse, but I am in a bit of rush at the
moment. I'll be able to reenter this issue later today.


[ notes ]

files.spad, BINFILE identical
primelt.spad, PRIMELT identical

--- First iteration, pattern.spad, PATTERN

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|Pattern| (|PrimeField| 5))))
30: (Union 56 (QUOTE failed))
31: (#<compiled-function PATTERN;isPlus;$U;10> . #<vector 09089f50>)
32: (SingleInteger)
33: (newGoGet #<vector 09089f50> 14 . coerce)
34: (#<compiled-function PATTERN;isTimes;$U;11> . #<vector 09089f50>)
35: (#<compiled-function PATTERN;isList;$U;12> . #<vector 09089f50>)

--- Second iteration, pattern.spad, PATTERN

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|Pattern| (|PrimeField| 5))))
30: (Union 54 (QUOTE failed))
31: (#<compiled-function PATTERN;isPlus;$U;10> . #<vector 08fa201c>)
32: (#<compiled-function PATTERN;isTimes;$U;11> . #<vector 08fa201c>)
33: (#<compiled-function PATTERN;isList;$U;12> . #<vector 08fa201c>)
34: (Record (: val $) (: exponent 26))
35: (Union 34 (QUOTE failed))

--- First iteration, d01agents.spad, D01AGNT

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|d01AgentsPackage|)))
59: (#<compiled-function LIMITPS;limit;FEEU;24> . #<vector 090337a8>)
60: (#<compiled-function ORDCOMP;finite?;$B;3> . #<vector 08f2d6e4>)
61: (SingleInteger)
62: (newGoGet #<vector 08ec2f88> 117 . coerce)
63: (#<compiled-function SEG;hi;$S;4> . #<vector 08e96c78>)
64: (newGoGet #<vector 08ec2f88> 127 . whatInfinity)

--- Second iteration, d01agents.spad, D01AGNT

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|d01AgentsPackage|)))
59: (#<compiled-function LIMITPS;limit;FEEU;24> . #<vector 09008e00>)
60: (#<compiled-function ORDCOMP;finite?;$B;3> . #<vector 08efb94c>)
61: (#<compiled-function SEG;hi;$S;4> . #<vector 08ca0c40>)
62: (SingleInteger)
63: (newGoGet #<vector 08b85834> 122 . whatInfinity)
64: (#<compiled-function SEG;lo;$S;2> . #<vector 08ca0c40>)

--- First Iteration, fortran.spad, FC

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|FortranCode|)) 1)
7: (Integer)
8: <vector> :
   0: (SingleInteger)
   1: (#<compiled-function lookupComplete> #<vector 08d60a80> #<vector 
9: (#<compiled-function SINT;coerce;I$;51> . #<vector 08d60a80>)
10: 25000
11: (#<compiled-function FC;setLabelValue;2Si;1> . #<vector 08d5ce38>)
12: (Polynomial 7)
13: (newGoGet #<vector 08d5ce38> 5 . One)

--- Second Iteration, fortran.spad, FC

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|FortranCode|)))
7: 25000
8: (SingleInteger)
9: (#<compiled-function FC;setLabelValue;2Si;1> . #<vector 08ce9ab8>)
10: (Polynomial 13)
11: (newGoGet #<vector 08ce9ab8> 0 . One)
12: (String)
13: (Integer)

--- First iteration, ffnb.spad, INBFF

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions| (|PrimeField| 
5))) 1)
16: 1
17: (Integer)
18: <vector> :
   0: (SingleInteger)
   1: (#<compiled-function lookupComplete> #<vector 08d60a80> #<vector 
19: (#<compiled-function SINT;coerce;I$;51> . #<vector 08d60a80>)
20: (0 10 16 20 23 0 28 30 32 0 35)
21: (NIL (4 12 48 160 480 0) (8 72 432 0) (18 216 0) (32 480 0) NIL (72 0) (98 
0) (128 0) NIL (200 0))
22: (Vector 6)

--- Second iteration, ffnb.spad, INBFF

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions| (|PrimeField| 
5))) 1)
16: 1
17: (0 10 16 20 23 0 28 30 32 0 35)
18: (NIL (4 12 48 160 480 0) (8 72 432 0) (18 216 0) (32 480 0) NIL (72 0) (98 
0) (128 0) NIL (200 0))
19: (Integer)
20: <vector> :
   0: (SingleInteger)
   1: (#<compiled-function lookupComplete> #<vector 08ce96ac> #<vector 
21: (newGoGet #<vector 08e96b0c> 14 . coerce)
22: (Vector 6)

--- First iteration, omdev.spad, OMENC

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|OpenMathEncoding|)))
7: (Boolean)
8: (#<compiled-function OMENC;=;2$B;1> . #<vector 08e1a594>)
9: (Integer)
10: (newGoGet #<vector 08e1a594> 0 . coerce)
11: (OutputForm)
12: (#<compiled-function OMENC;coerce;$Of;2> . #<vector 08e1a594>)

--- Second iteration, omdev.spad, OMENC

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|OpenMathEncoding|)))
7: (Boolean)
8: (#<compiled-function OMENC;=;2$B;1> . #<vector 08e9ca48>)
9: (OutputForm)
10: (#<compiled-function OMENC;coerce;$Of;2> . #<vector 08e9ca48>)
11: (#<compiled-function OMENC;OMencodingUnknown;$;3> . #<vector 08e9ca48>)
12: (#<compiled-function OMENC;OMencodingBinary;$;4> . #<vector 08e9ca48>)

--- First iteration, ffcg.spad, FFCGP
--- NOTE: vector element 147

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtensionByPolynomial| 
                                 (|PrimeField| 5) ((1 . 0)))))
12: 1
13: (#<compiled-function ZMOD;size;Nni;1> . #<vector 08e1a8f8>)
14: 5
15: (PositiveInteger)
16: (#<compiled-function SGROUP-;**;SPiS;1> . #<vector 08e72f34>)
17: NIL
144: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;/;$GF$;39> . #<vector 08e72fa4>)
145: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;inv;2$;40> . #<vector 08e72fa4>)
146: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;**;$I$;43> . #<vector 08e72fa4>)
147: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;**;$Pi$;41> . #<vector 08e72fa4>)  
148: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;**;$Nni$;42> . #<vector 08e72fa4>)
149: (Union 71 (QUOTE failed))
150: (Matrix $)

--- Second iteration, ffcg.spad, FFCGP
--- NOTE: vector element 147 above is element 16 here.

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtensionByPolynomial| 
                                 (|PrimeField| 5) ((1 . 0)))))
12: 1
13: (#<compiled-function ZMOD;size;Nni;1> . #<vector 08e9cdac>)
14: 5
15: (PositiveInteger)
16: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;**;$Pi$;41> . #<vector 08e9c7fc>)
17: (#<compiled-function SGROUP-;**;SPiS;1> . #<vector 08e9c674>)
144: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9c7fc> 284 . /)
145: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;/;$GF$;39> . #<vector 08e9c7fc>)
146: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;inv;2$;40> . #<vector 08e9c7fc>)
147: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;**;$I$;43> . #<vector 08e9c7fc>)
148: (#<compiled-function FFCGP;**;$Nni$;42> . #<vector 08e9c7fc>)
149: (Union 72 (QUOTE failed))
150: (Matrix $)

--- First iteration, reclos.spad, RECLOS

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|RealClosure| (|Fraction| (|Integer|)))))
88: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72b44> 184 . *)
89: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72b44> 190 . one?)
90: (Mapping $$ $$)
91: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72b44> 195 . map)
92: (#<compiled-function RECLOS;*;I2$;23> . #<vector 08e72b44>)
93: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72b44> 201 . *)
94: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72b44> 207 . zero?)
95: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72b44> 212 . one?)

--- Second iteration, reclos.spad, RECLOS

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|RealClosure| (|Fraction| (|Integer|)))))
88: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9c2a0> 184 . *)
89: (Mapping $$ $$)
90: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9c2a0> 190 . map)
91: (#<compiled-function RECLOS;*;I2$;23> . #<vector 08e9c2a0>)
92: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9c2a0> 196 . *)
93: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9c2a0> 202 . zero?)
94: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9c2a0> 207 . one?)
95: (#<compiled-function RECLOS;*;TheField2$;24> . #<vector 08e9c2a0>)

--- First iteration, reclos.spad, ROIRC

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|RightOpenIntervalRootCharacterization| 
                  (|PrimeField| 5) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| (|PrimeField| 
50: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72770> 140 . boundOfCauchy)
51: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72770> 145 . sturmVariationsOf)
52: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72770> 150 . one?)
53: (List 7)
54: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72770> 155 . sturmSequence)
55: (newGoGet #<vector 08e72770> 160 . unitCanonical)

--- Second iteration, reclos.spad, ROIRC

(1) -> (pspadvec (|evalDomain| '(|RightOpenIntervalRootCharacterization| 
                  (|PrimeField| 5) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| (|PrimeField| 
50: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9cfc0> 140 . boundOfCauchy)
51: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9cfc0> 145 . sturmVariationsOf)
52: (List 7)
53: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9cfc0> 150 . sturmSequence)
54: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9cfc0> 155 . unitCanonical)
55: (newGoGet #<vector 08e9cfc0> 160 . numberOfMonomials)

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