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Re: [Axiom-developer] operations working in general, but not in special

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] operations working in general, but not in special cases -- help needed
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:23:36 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

Dear William,

I like most of what you have written, but I must oppose against a few things.

Example 1, Matroids

A "matroid" is a mathematical structure with one very, very important
operation, namely "dualizing" which transforms a given matroid into
another. Thus, one is tempted to have a category "MatroidCat", which exports an
operation "dual: % -> %".

I assume you want MatroidCat to be the category of all matroids, in which case,
the dual operation is actually a domain constructor.  That is, the above
signature cannot do what you are aiming for:

    MatroidCat():Category == ... with
      dual: % -> %

because the % refers to a particular implementation of a domain which is a
matroid, not the category itself.

Sorry, I have not yet read about Matroids, but in simple terms it is that
       dual: % -> %
transforms a concrete matroid M=(E, I) to M^D=(E, I^D) but doing this by assuming I^D = I (and thus M=M^D) which need of course not be the case).

So clearly that signiture is wrong.

> The argument to dual is an element of a
matroid. A plausible signature is:

      dual:() -> MatroidCat()

which associates a matroid to the current matroid.

That sounds promising but here I must oppose. The reason is that the resulting dual domain will probably be not very useful.


But let's analyse this...

    MatroidCat(): Category == Finite with
      underlyingSet: () -> Finite
      underlyingFamily: () -> Set %
      span: Set % -> Set %
      defining?: % -> Boolean  -- true if set is in underlyingFamily()
      independent?:  Set % -> Boolean
      circuit?: Set % -> Boolean
      dualSet: () -> Set %  -- constructs I^D
dual: () -> MatroidCat() dual()==Matroid(underlyingSet(), dualSet())

Clearly, that category is very much involved and cannot be compiled without knowing about the constructor Matroid(E, I). But it's not that what I find problematic. It is the appearance of MatroidCat within the "with" expression. What comes after the == depends on what comes before. I cannot say, that I like this very much. Would you do something like that in (mathematical) category theory? The "with" expression alone is not a value until MatroidCat is known.

What else is bad is that the dual is always constructed by the domain constructor Matroid. You don't allow other implementations (other constructors).

Alternatively, instead of using functions dual(), you can have a domain

    DualSet(M:MatroidCat): Set Set underlyingSet M == ...
Dual(M:MatroidCat):MatroidCat == E:= underlyingSet(M)
      Matroid(E, J)

Well, that demonstrates what I mean by "the resulting dual domain will probably be not very useful" above.

Suppose you create a very special matroid M which inherits from MatroidCat but additionally from many other categories. If you now say

N == Dual(M)

you will get something that is constructed by the constructor Matroid (which might actually not be that what you want -- remember there are also several implementations of polynomials and they are all good for something).

So the next idea would be something like

  Dual(M: MatroidCat, MAT: ??? -> MatroidCat): MatroidCat ==
    MAT(underlyingSet M, DualSet M);

Well, what can you do if you now say

N == Dual(M, MyMatroid)

? Actually not much, since that N is of type MatroidCat and nothing more. No additional features are available even if MyMatroid would return something of category MyMatroidCat that is much richer than MatroidCat itself.

With the above Dual constructor, you explicitly restrict the exports to MatroidCat. And I would have no other idea to add features than to use "pretend". Brrrrrhhh.

A more practical implementation may have this outline:

   MatroidCat(E:Finite, I:Set Set E): Category == Finite with
     span: Set % -> Set %
     independent?:  Set % -> Boolean
     circuit?: Set % -> Boolean

   Matroid(E: SetCategory, I:Set Set E):MatroidCat(E,I) == ... with

DualSet(E:SetCategory, I:Set Set E):List List E ==
   Dual(E:SetCategory, I:Set Set E):MatroidCat(E, DualSet(E,I)) == ...

I like that somehow much better, but the same "restriction process" as above takes place. Things are not so easy with a dual functor.

If you do NOT want to implement dual as a domain constructor, then you may try
implementing Matroid as the DOMAIN of all matroids. However, Axiom does not
allow dependent types at the code level (only at the declaration level for

   Matroid(): SetCategory == ...

     Rep:= Record(E:SetCategory, I:Set Set E)

probably won't work in Axiom, but Aldor may.

Did you really mean SetCategory? So to create a new element you would write a function.

  matroid(A: SetCategory, B: Set Set A): % == per [A, B];

and call it with

  matroid(Integer, [[1,2], [3,4,5]]);

That sounds to me as follows: If E' \supset E and I \subseteq Power(E) then the matroids (E, I) and (E', I) are the same. I cannot believe that.


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