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Re: [Axiom-developer] Test of a WEB style

From: C Y
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Test of a WEB style
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 05:37:08 -0700 (PDT)

--- Ralf Hemmecke <address@hidden> wrote:

> >
> >> (unfortunately the graph has to be adjusted---I am too lazy)
> > 
> > Wow.  That's really impressive!  Can you tell me which parts of the
> > graph are off?  I've been staring at it too long and I'm sure
> there's
> > probably something off but I'm not catching it at the moment :-(.
> Oh, if you don't see it then for you probably it is looks OK. In my 
> acroread it cuts off below the Scrn node.

Ah.  Yes, the ps file doesn't translate quite right for inclusion in
pdflatex - that's another reason I go the dvips -> pstopdf route.  I
may track that down someday but IIRC Bill's experience on endpamphlet
was that the dvips route was more robust anyway.  I think that's
probably true, particularly if we ever want to use pstricks in Axiom to
autogenerate plots for figures in pamphlets and external documents:

> Oh that would be good. I somehow don't really like to change the
> noweb  syntax. Note that some day we might look closer to LEO. I
> don't want to reprogram their ideas only because we then use
>    \begin{chunk} .. \end{chunk}

Delimiters should be trivial.  That was the whole point of the mess I
went through with Lisp macros - <<name>>=...@ and
\begin{chunk}{name}...\end{chunk} are different ONLY in syntax.  If I
did it right we can now generate at compile time a tangle for any
delimiter structure we want.  If necessary, we can probably implement a
function "switch-delimiter-style" to talk to systems that expect noweb

I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to switch the syntax anymore (sorry
Tim), since if I can successfully implement weave in Lisp the extra
processing step will become trivial (indeed, it will happen anyway
either in Lisp or in LaTeX style file processing) and to anybody else
who wants it to it will still look like a regular noweb file (plus,
less typing for delimiters...)


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