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[Axiom-developer] Axiom no longer uses noweb

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Axiom no longer uses noweb
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 01:43:37 -0500

As of this update Axiom uses native latex chunk syntax.
As a result, noweb has been removed. So

  <<foo>>=   becomes \begin{chunk}{foo}
  <<foo>>    becomes \getchunk{foo}
  @          becomes \end{chunk}
  [[foo]]    becomes \verb|foo|

All of these latex definitions are in books/axiom.sty
so to get the new syntax you need to add


Since pamphlet files are native latex there is no "weave" step.

There is a C and a lisp version of tangle in 
books/tangle.c and books/tangle.lisp. You can do

  gcc -o tangle tangle.c
  tangle foo.pamphlet     -- expands the default chunk marked
                          -- by \begin{chunk}{*}
  tangle foo.pamphlet chunkname
                          -- expands \begin{chunk}{chunkname}

The Axiom interpreter has a new )tangle command to extract
code from an input pamphlet. So given foo.input.pamphlet

  )tangle foo   -- from foo.input.pamphlet => foo.input
  )read foo     -- read foo.input as usual

The document command has been rewritten and renamed to extract.
It is now in books/extract. Running 

  extract foo.pamphlet

will generate foo.pdf

I contacted the authors of the award-winning literate program
book "Physically-Based Rendering" and they have sent me all
of their tools. It is a big pile but I hope to incorporate
some of their magic in future updates.


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