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Re: TODO list

From: Jay Belanger
Subject: Re: TODO list
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 22:54:25 -0500


My understanding of the current state of Axiom. Correct me if I'm

I think you're right.

It appears that sole remaining developer of Axiom is/was Tim Daly.
Tim wants more people to join and help but it was hard to find
collaborators recently. My impression is that Tim is frustrated
because of that.

I understood that people occasionally want to use Axiom for some
one-off personal projects, but not so much help develop it.

I wrote him to offer my help with it. I probably don't have the skills he needs, but there might be some busy work I could do.

Tim wants to do major refactoring of Axiom project so that everything
it computes is mathematically provable and maybe some other goals
too. Major theoretical work and refactoring must be undertaken to
accomplish that.

Yes, but it's such a cool goal!


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