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Re: FreeBSD package build failure with Emacs 26.1

From: Joseph Mingrone
Subject: Re: FreeBSD package build failure with Emacs 26.1
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 20:09:55 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (berkeley-unix)

Glenn Morris <address@hidden> writes:

> Joseph Mingrone wrote:

>> Under emacs 26.1, commands like this are failing.

>> /usr/local/bin/emacs-26.1 --batch --no-init-file --no-site-file -L . \
>> --eval '(setq byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (_) "bbdb.elc"))' \
>> -f batch-byte-compile 'bbdb.el'

> I predicted this in


> An obviously correct change was reverted from the emacs-26 branch.

You did indeed exactly predict this.  Thanks for reminding me.  There
was something vaguely familiar, but I didn't make the connection.

Given the emacs-26 branch exists, it sounds like there will be more 26.x
releases, so hopefully this will get fixed.

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