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booklet printing

From: Tony Roberts
Subject: booklet printing
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 15:17:09 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

have found the a2ps config file incorrect for my needs in printing a booklet. I think that whether it is a bug or not may depend upon how the printer is setup. We have our printer set up for duplex printing, and the default a2ps -=book prints the pages incorrectly. I have set my .a2ps/a2psrc file to this, replacing psset to pstops:

# This variable defines a hook for `lp'.  The output is piped into
# psbook in order to print a booklet. Source /etc/a2ps.cfg 11/8/04
# Modified from psset to pstops to tumble correctly.
# Modified psnup for pdf in A5 pages. Variable: lp.hook.book \
#?o! psbook #?V,,-q, | psnup -s1 -2 #?V,,-q, | pstops '2:0,1U(1w,1h)' | \
! echo "Cannot be used with more than two pages per sheet." >&2 ; exit 1!

I also modified psnup because I typically print in booklet form, documents which are typeset onto A5,

Tony-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Professor A.J. Roberts              USQ CRICOS No. 00244B
Dept of Mathematics & Computing     mailto:address@hidden
University of Southern Queensland   Phone:  (07) 4631 5539
Toowoomba, Queensland 4350          Fax:    (07) 4631 5550
AUSTRALIA                 http://www.sci.usq.edu.au/staff/aroberts
I have a smoke free office and a Microsoft free computer.

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