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Re: [Bug-apl] Request for feature: Embedded mode

From: Elias Mårtenson
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] Request for feature: Embedded mode
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 22:23:58 +0800

On 9 December 2013 21:42, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello Elias,

I have added a command line option ---rawCIN that disables initialization and use
of the readline library, see SVN version 50,

Thank you for the update. I've taken a look at this, and it's much 

Not sure though what you mean by differentiation between status info and function
output. GNU APL writes APL output to stdout (actually cout) and debug output to
stderr (cerr). 

⎕CR returns a character matrix which is only printed if the returned value is not assigned
to a variable. You can catch it by VAR←⎕CR and then nothing will be printed. Same for
user defined functions (if written accordingly).

My issue with prompts is that when a process is run inside Emacs, there is no way I can differentiate between stderr and stdout. Also, there needs to be some kind of prompt, since that is what Emacs uses to detect that the underlying process is ready to receive data. If, somehow, I can ensure that nothing that is normally printed from a program can be confused with a prompt, this improves the robustness of the Emacs mode.

One thing I haven't quite figured out is how your CIN variable works. It kinds seems as though it simply prints to stdout, but nothing printed using CIN ever shows up in my Emacs buffers. I guess I'm not good enough with C++ streams to understand why that is the case.

So, in summary:

A prefix before error messages will allow me to, for example, colour them in a standout colour.

By diagnostic messages, I mean for example the message that is printed by )ERASE. The function editor window uses this behind the scenes when it redefined a function, and right now it causes a "ERASEd 'variable'" message to simply pop up in the interaction window since I can't filter it out.

Emacs can't see anything written to CIN (I wonder why that is...)



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