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Re: [Bug-apl] chunk length specified across bytes

From: alexweiner
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] chunk length specified across bytes
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 2015 21:01:35 -0700
User-agent: Workspace Webmail 5.15.9

The result of FIO∆fread FIO∆fopen_ro filename
will return a vector of values, where each number is a byte. Many different file format specifications specify a size within the file that may be a head size, a chunk size, etc. 

Is the correct way to interpret a number that spans many bytes (in this case 0 0 32 0 and 0 0 0 4) to use 
10 ⊥ 0 0 32 0 and 10 ⊥0 0 0 4

Hope that clears up my idea a little


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] chunk length specified across bytes
From: Elias_Mårtenson <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, September 08, 2015 8:44 pm
To: address@hidden
Cc: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>

I'm not entirely sure how this relates to GNU APL in any way?

On 9 September 2015 at 11:41, <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Bug APL,

The PNG spec says that the length of a "chunk" (their term, not mine) is specified in the first four bytes of the file. When I read it in, the first four values are :
0 0 32 0

and the length is almost certainly not 32. 

A smaller chunk that was 4 had its first four bytes as:
0 0 0 4

What is the weighting given to these values (if that even is the right question to ask)?


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