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Re: [Bug-apl] AM_MAKEFLAGS = -j 4

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] AM_MAKEFLAGS = -j 4
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 16:08:41 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0

Hi Xtian,

unfortunately it is not that easy. make does not pass its -j option to sub-makes.
Simply removing -j 4 from AM_MAKEFLAGS would therefore slow down the builds for all
GNU APL users because the top-level -j 128 would not make it to the sub-make in the
src directory. The sub-make in src uses AM_MAKEFLAGS and not the make flags of the
initial make.

I have therefore not removed the -j option from src/Makefile* but instead  added a MAKE_J
option to ./configure that allows you to control the -j option in every make. In your case

    ./configure MAKE_J=1

should do it. SVN 782.

/// Jürgen

On 07/28/2016 03:54 AM, Christian Robert wrote:

can you remove the "-j 4" from the src/Makefile.am and src/Makefile.in

address@hidden:/home/xtian/gnuapl] $ find . -name "Makefile*" -exec fgrep -Hr -- "-j 4" {} \;
./src/Makefile.am:AM_MAKEFLAGS = -j 4
./src/Makefile.in:AM_MAKEFLAGS = -j 4
./src/Makefile:AM_MAKEFLAGS = -j 4

This "-j 4" literally kill my small VirtualBox (1 CPU and 768 Megs of RAM),
the machine start to swap and take 30 minutes to do the compile ... sometimes die with OOM (Out Of Memory).

the right way to force parallel compile is to type the "-j 1" or even "-j 128"
on the command line of the initial "make".


address@hidden:/home/xtian/gnuapl] $ make -j 1

but even if I do that, the value "-j 4" hard coded in src/Makefile override my
first request and sometime kill the whole compile/machine.

many thanks,


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