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Report this to address@hidden

From: William Baxter
Subject: Report this to address@hidden
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 10:05:23 -0500

While running ./configure for Python2.3.3, this message printed out:

configure: WARNING: term.h: present but cannot be compiled
configure: WARNING: term.h: check for missing prerequisite headers?
configure: WARNING: term.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result
configure: WARNING:     ## ------------------------------------ ##
configure: WARNING:     ## Report this to address@hidden ##
configure: WARNING:     ## ------------------------------------ ##
checking for term.h... yes

This is on an SGI Octane: IRIX64  6.5 01100304 IP30

William T. Baxter, Ph.D.
Wadsworth Center
Empire State Plaza, PO Box 509
Albany, NY 12201-0509
/*      Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. */
/*      Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T */
/*        All Rights Reserved   */

/*      UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.                          */
/*      The copyright notice above does not evidence any        */
/*      actual or intended publication of such source code.     */

#ident  "@(#)curses:screen/maketerm.ed  1.42"
 * term.h - this file is automatically made from caps and maketerm.ed.
 * Don't make changes directly to term.h.
 * Guard against multiple includes.

#ifndef auto_left_margin

#define auto_left_margin                CUR _b1
#define auto_right_margin               CUR _b2
#define no_esc_ctlc                     CUR _b3
#define ceol_standout_glitch            CUR _b4
#define eat_newline_glitch              CUR _b5
#define erase_overstrike                CUR _b6
#define generic_type                    CUR _b7
#define hard_copy                       CUR _b8
#define has_meta_key                    CUR _b9
#define has_status_line                 CUR _b10
#define insert_null_glitch              CUR _b11
#define memory_above                    CUR _b12
#define memory_below                    CUR _b13
#define move_insert_mode                CUR _b14
#define move_standout_mode              CUR _b15
#define over_strike                     CUR _b16
#define status_line_esc_ok              CUR _b17
#define dest_tabs_magic_smso            CUR _b18
#define tilde_glitch                    CUR _b19
#define transparent_underline           CUR _b20
#define xon_xoff                        CUR _b21
#define needs_xon_xoff                  CURB _needs_xon_xoff
#define prtr_silent                     CURB _prtr_silent
#define hard_cursor                     CURB _hard_cursor
#define non_rev_rmcup                   CURB _non_rev_rmcup
#define no_pad_char                     CURB _no_pad_char
#define non_dest_scroll_region          CURB _non_dest_scroll_region
#define can_change                      CURB _can_change
#define back_color_erase                CURB _back_color_erase
#define hue_lightness_saturation                CURB _hue_lightness_saturation
#define col_addr_glitch                 CURB _col_addr_glitch
#define cr_cancels_micro_mode           CURB _cr_cancels_micro_mode
#define has_print_wheel                 CURB _has_print_wheel
#define row_addr_glitch                 CURB _row_addr_glitch
#define semi_auto_right_margin          CURB _semi_auto_right_margin
#define cpi_changes_res                 CURB _cpi_changes_res
#define lpi_changes_res                 CURB _lpi_changes_res
#define columns                         CUR _c1
#define init_tabs                       CUR _c2
#define lines                           CUR _c3
#define lines_of_memory                 CUR _c4
#define magic_cookie_glitch             CUR _c5
#define padding_baud_rate               CUR _c6
#define virtual_terminal                CUR _c7
#define width_status_line               CUR _c8
#define num_labels                      CURN _num_labels
#define label_height                    CURN _labl_height
#define label_width                     CURN _labl_width
#define max_attributes                  CURN _max_attributes
#define maximum_windows                 CURN _maximum_windows
#define max_colors                      CURN _max_colors
#define max_pairs                       CURN _max_pairs
#define no_color_video                  CURN _no_color_video
#define buffer_capacity                 CURN _buffer_capacity
#define dot_vert_spacing                CURN _dot_vert_spacing
#define dot_horz_spacing                CURN _dot_horz_spacing
#define max_micro_address               CURN _max_micro_address
#define max_micro_jump                  CURN _max_micro_jump
#define micro_char_size                 CURN _micro_char_size
#define micro_line_size                 CURN _micro_line_size
#define number_of_pins                  CURN _number_of_pins
#define output_res_char                 CURN _output_res_char
#define output_res_line                 CURN _output_res_line
#define output_res_horz_inch            CURN _output_res_horz_inch
#define output_res_vert_inch            CURN _output_res_vert_inch
#define print_rate                      CURN _print_rate
#define wide_char_size                  CURN _wide_char_size
#define buttons                         CURN _buttons
#define bit_image_entwining             CURN _bit_image_entwining
#define bit_image_type                  CURN _bit_image_type
#define back_tab                        CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s1
#define bell                            CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s2
#define carriage_return                 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s3
#define change_scroll_region            CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s4
#define clear_all_tabs                  CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s5
#define clear_screen                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s6
#define clr_eol                         CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s7
#define clr_eos                         CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s8
#define column_address                  CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s9
#define command_character               CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s10
#define cursor_address                  CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s11
#define cursor_down                     CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s12
#define cursor_home                     CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s13
#define cursor_invisible                CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s14
#define cursor_left                     CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s15
#define cursor_mem_address              CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s16
#define cursor_normal                   CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s17
#define cursor_right                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s18
#define cursor_to_ll                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s19
#define cursor_up                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s20
#define cursor_visible                  CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s21
#define delete_character                CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s22
#define delete_line                     CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s23
#define dis_status_line                 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s24
#define down_half_line                  CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s25
#define enter_alt_charset_mode          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s26
#define enter_blink_mode                CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s27
#define enter_bold_mode                 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s28
#define enter_ca_mode                   CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s29
#define enter_delete_mode               CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s30
#define enter_dim_mode                  CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s31
#define enter_insert_mode               CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s32
#define enter_secure_mode               CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s33
#define enter_protected_mode            CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s34
#define enter_reverse_mode              CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s35
#define enter_standout_mode             CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s36
#define enter_underline_mode            CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s37
#define erase_chars                     CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s38
#define exit_alt_charset_mode           CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s39
#define exit_attribute_mode             CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s40
#define exit_ca_mode                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s41
#define exit_delete_mode                CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s42
#define exit_insert_mode                CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s43
#define exit_standout_mode              CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s44
#define exit_underline_mode             CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s45
#define flash_screen                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s46
#define form_feed                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s47
#define from_status_line                CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s48
#define init_1string                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s49
#define init_2string                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s50
#define init_3string                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s51
#define init_file                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s52
#define insert_character                CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s53
#define insert_line                     CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s54
#define insert_padding                  CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s55
#define key_backspace                   CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s56
#define key_catab                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s57
#define key_clear                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s58
#define key_ctab                        CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s59
#define key_dc                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s60
#define key_dl                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s61
#define key_down                        CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s62
#define key_eic                         CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s63
#define key_eol                         CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s64
#define key_eos                         CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s65
#define key_f0                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s66
#define key_f1                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s67
#define key_f10                         CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s68
#define key_f2                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s69
#define key_f3                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s70
#define key_f4                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s71
#define key_f5                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s72
#define key_f6                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s73
#define key_f7                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s74
#define key_f8                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s75
#define key_f9                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s76
#define key_home                        CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s77
#define key_ic                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s78
#define key_il                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s79
#define key_left                        CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s80
#define key_ll                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s81
#define key_npage                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s82
#define key_ppage                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s83
#define key_right                       CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s84
#define key_sf                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s85
#define key_sr                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s86
#define key_stab                        CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s87
#define key_up                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s88
#define keypad_local                    CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s89
#define keypad_xmit                     CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s90
#define lab_f0                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s91
#define lab_f1                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s92
#define lab_f10                         CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s93
#define lab_f2                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s94
#define lab_f3                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s95
#define lab_f4                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s96
#define lab_f5                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s97
#define lab_f6                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s98
#define lab_f7                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s99
#define lab_f8                          CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s100
#define lab_f9                          CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s101
#define meta_off                        CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s102
#define meta_on                         CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s103
#define newline                         CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s104
#define pad_char                        CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s105
#define parm_dch                        CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s106
#define parm_delete_line                CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s107
#define parm_down_cursor                CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s108
#define parm_ich                        CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s109
#define parm_index                      CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s110
#define parm_insert_line                CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s111
#define parm_left_cursor                CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s112
#define parm_right_cursor               CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s113
#define parm_rindex                     CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s114
#define parm_up_cursor                  CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s115
#define pkey_key                        CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s116
#define pkey_local                      CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s117
#define pkey_xmit                       CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s118
#define print_screen                    CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s119
#define prtr_off                        CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s120
#define prtr_on                         CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s121
#define repeat_char                     CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s122
#define reset_1string                   CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s123
#define reset_2string                   CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s124
#define reset_3string                   CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s125
#define reset_file                      CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s126
#define restore_cursor                  CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s127
#define row_address                     CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s128
#define save_cursor                     CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s129
#define scroll_forward                  CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s130
#define scroll_reverse                  CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s131
#define set_attributes                  CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s132
#define set_tab                         CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s133
#define set_window                      CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s134
#define tab                             CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s135
#define to_status_line                  CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s136
#define underline_char                  CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s137
#define up_half_line                    CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s138
#define init_prog                       CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s139
#define key_a1                          CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s140
#define key_a3                          CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s141
#define key_b2                          CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s142
#define key_c1                          CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s143
#define key_c3                          CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s144
#define prtr_non                        CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s145
#define char_padding                    CURS strs2._char_padding
#define acs_chars                       CURS strs2._acs_chars
#define plab_norm                       CURS strs2._plab_norm
#define key_btab                        CURS strs2._ky_btab
#define enter_xon_mode                  CURS strs2._entr_xon_mode
#define exit_xon_mode                   CURS strs2._exit_xon_mode
#define enter_am_mode                   CURS strs2._entr_am_mode
#define exit_am_mode                    CURS strs2._exit_am_mode
#define xon_character                   CURS strs2._xon_character
#define xoff_character                  CURS strs2._xoff_character
#define ena_acs                         CURS strs2._ena_acs
#define label_on                        CURS strs2._labl_on
#define label_off                       CURS strs2._labl_off
#define key_beg                         CURS strs2._ky_beg
#define key_cancel                      CURS strs2._ky_cancel
#define key_close                       CURS strs2._ky_close
#define key_command                     CURS strs2._ky_command
#define key_copy                        CURS strs2._ky_copy
#define key_create                      CURS strs2._ky_create
#define key_end                         CURS strs2._ky_end
#define key_enter                       CURS strs2._ky_enter
#define key_exit                        CURS strs2._ky_exit
#define key_find                        CURS strs2._ky_find
#define key_help                        CURS strs2._ky_help
#define key_mark                        CURS strs2._ky_mark
#define key_message                     CURS strs2._ky_message
#define key_move                        CURS strs2._ky_move
#define key_next                        CURS strs2._ky_next
#define key_open                        CURS strs2._ky_open
#define key_options                     CURS strs2._ky_options
#define key_previous                    CURS strs2._ky_previous
#define key_print                       CURS strs2._ky_print
#define key_redo                        CURS strs2._ky_redo
#define key_reference                   CURS strs2._ky_reference
#define key_refresh                     CURS strs2._ky_refresh
#define key_replace                     CURS strs2._ky_replace
#define key_restart                     CURS strs2._ky_restart
#define key_resume                      CURS strs2._ky_resume
#define key_save                        CURS strs2._ky_save
#define key_suspend                     CURS strs2._ky_suspend
#define key_undo                        CURS strs2._ky_undo
#define key_sbeg                        CURS strs2._ky_sbeg
#define key_scancel                     CURS strs2._ky_scancel
#define key_scommand                    CURS strs2._ky_scommand
#define key_scopy                       CURS strs2._ky_scopy
#define key_screate                     CURS strs2._ky_screate
#define key_sdc                         CURS strs2._ky_sdc
#define key_sdl                         CURS strs2._ky_sdl
#define key_select                      CURS strs2._ky_select
#define key_send                        CURS strs2._ky_send
#define key_seol                        CURS strs2._ky_seol
#define key_sexit                       CURS strs2._ky_sexit
#define key_sfind                       CURS strs2._ky_sfind
#define key_shelp                       CURS strs2._ky_shelp
#define key_shome                       CURS strs2._ky_shome
#define key_sic                         CURS strs3._ky_sic
#define key_sleft                       CURS strs3._ky_sleft
#define key_smessage                    CURS strs3._ky_smessage
#define key_smove                       CURS strs3._ky_smove
#define key_snext                       CURS strs3._ky_snext
#define key_soptions                    CURS strs3._ky_soptions
#define key_sprevious                   CURS strs3._ky_sprevious
#define key_sprint                      CURS strs3._ky_sprint
#define key_sredo                       CURS strs3._ky_sredo
#define key_sreplace                    CURS strs3._ky_sreplace
#define key_sright                      CURS strs3._ky_sright
#define key_srsume                      CURS strs3._ky_srsume
#define key_ssave                       CURS strs3._ky_ssave
#define key_ssuspend                    CURS strs3._ky_ssuspend
#define key_sundo                       CURS strs3._ky_sundo
#define req_for_input                   CURS strs3._req_for_input
#define key_f11                         CURS strs3._ky_f11
#define key_f12                         CURS strs3._ky_f12
#define key_f13                         CURS strs3._ky_f13
#define key_f14                         CURS strs3._ky_f14
#define key_f15                         CURS strs3._ky_f15
#define key_f16                         CURS strs3._ky_f16
#define key_f17                         CURS strs3._ky_f17
#define key_f18                         CURS strs3._ky_f18
#define key_f19                         CURS strs3._ky_f19
#define key_f20                         CURS strs3._ky_f20
#define key_f21                         CURS strs3._ky_f21
#define key_f22                         CURS strs3._ky_f22
#define key_f23                         CURS strs3._ky_f23
#define key_f24                         CURS strs3._ky_f24
#define key_f25                         CURS strs3._ky_f25
#define key_f26                         CURS strs3._ky_f26
#define key_f27                         CURS strs3._ky_f27
#define key_f28                         CURS strs3._ky_f28
#define key_f29                         CURS strs3._ky_f29
#define key_f30                         CURS strs3._ky_f30
#define key_f31                         CURS strs3._ky_f31
#define key_f32                         CURS strs3._ky_f32
#define key_f33                         CURS strs3._ky_f33
#define key_f34                         CURS strs3._ky_f34
#define key_f35                         CURS strs3._ky_f35
#define key_f36                         CURS strs3._ky_f36
#define key_f37                         CURS strs3._ky_f37
#define key_f38                         CURS strs3._ky_f38
#define key_f39                         CURS strs3._ky_f39
#define key_f40                         CURS strs3._ky_f40
#define key_f41                         CURS strs3._ky_f41
#define key_f42                         CURS strs3._ky_f42
#define key_f43                         CURS strs3._ky_f43
#define key_f44                         CURS strs3._ky_f44
#define key_f45                         CURS strs3._ky_f45
#define key_f46                         CURS strs3._ky_f46
#define key_f47                         CURS strs3._ky_f47
#define key_f48                         CURS strs3._ky_f48
#define key_f49                         CURS strs3._ky_f49
#define key_f50                         CURS strs3._ky_f50
#define key_f51                         CURS strs3._ky_f51
#define key_f52                         CURS strs3._ky_f52
#define key_f53                         CURS strs3._ky_f53
#define key_f54                         CURS strs3._ky_f54
#define key_f55                         CURS strs3._ky_f55
#define key_f56                         CURS strs3._ky_f56
#define key_f57                         CURS strs3._ky_f57
#define key_f58                         CURS strs3._ky_f58
#define key_f59                         CURS strs3._ky_f59
#define key_f60                         CURS strs3._ky_f60
#define key_f61                         CURS strs3._ky_f61
#define key_f62                         CURS strs3._ky_f62
#define key_f63                         CURS strs3._ky_f63
#define clr_bol                         CURS strs3._clr_bol
#define clear_margins                   CURS strs3._clear_margins
#define set_left_margin                 CURS strs3._set_left_margin
#define set_right_margin                CURS strs3._set_right_margin
#define label_format                    CURS strs3._labl_format
#define set_clock                       CURS strs3._set_clock
#define display_clock                   CURS strs3._display_clock
#define remove_clock                    CURS strs3._remove_clock
#define create_window                   CURS strs3._create_window
#define goto_window                     CURS strs3._goto_window
#define hangup                          CURS strs3._hangup
#define dial_phone                      CURS strs3._dial_phone
#define quick_dial                      CURS strs3._quick_dial
#define tone                            CURS strs3._tone
#define pulse                           CURS strs3._pulse
#define flash_hook                      CURS strs3._flash_hook
#define fixed_pause                     CURS strs3._fixed_pause
#define wait_tone                       CURS strs3._wait_tone
#define user0                           CURS strs3._user0
#define user1                           CURS strs3._user1
#define user2                           CURS strs3._user2
#define user3                           CURS strs3._user3
#define user4                           CURS strs3._user4
#define user5                           CURS strs3._user5
#define user6                           CURS strs3._user6
#define user7                           CURS strs3._user7
#define user8                           CURS strs3._user8
#define user9                           CURS strs3._user9
#define orig_pair                       CURS strs3._orig_pair
#define orig_colors                     CURS strs3._orig_colors
#define initialize_color                CURS strs3._initialize_color
#define initialize_pair                 CURS strs4._initialize_pair
#define set_color_pair                  CURS strs4._set_color_pair
#define set_foreground                  CURS strs4._set_foreground
#define set_background                  CURS strs4._set_background
#define change_char_pitch               CURS strs4._change_char_pitch
#define change_line_pitch               CURS strs4._change_line_pitch
#define change_res_horz                 CURS strs4._change_res_horz
#define change_res_vert                 CURS strs4._change_res_vert
#define define_char                     CURS strs4._define_char
#define enter_doublewide_mode           CURS strs4._entr_doublewide_mode
#define enter_draft_quality             CURS strs4._entr_draft_quality
#define enter_italics_mode              CURS strs4._entr_italics_mode
#define enter_leftward_mode             CURS strs4._entr_leftward_mode
#define enter_micro_mode                CURS strs4._entr_micro_mode
#define enter_near_letter_quality               CURS 
#define enter_normal_quality            CURS strs4._entr_normal_quality
#define enter_shadow_mode               CURS strs4._entr_shadow_mode
#define enter_subscript_mode            CURS strs4._entr_subscript_mode
#define enter_superscript_mode          CURS strs4._entr_superscript_mode
#define enter_upward_mode               CURS strs4._entr_upward_mode
#define exit_doublewide_mode            CURS strs4._exit_doublewide_mode
#define exit_italics_mode               CURS strs4._exit_italics_mode
#define exit_leftward_mode              CURS strs4._exit_leftward_mode
#define exit_micro_mode                 CURS strs4._exit_micro_mode
#define exit_shadow_mode                CURS strs4._exit_shadow_mode
#define exit_subscript_mode             CURS strs4._exit_subscript_mode
#define exit_superscript_mode           CURS strs4._exit_superscript_mode
#define exit_upward_mode                CURS strs4._exit_upward_mode
#define micro_column_address            CURS strs4._micro_column_address
#define micro_down                      CURS strs4._micro_down
#define micro_left                      CURS strs4._micro_left
#define micro_right                     CURS strs4._micro_right
#define micro_row_address               CURS strs4._micro_row_address
#define micro_up                        CURS strs4._micro_up
#define order_of_pins                   CURS strs4._order_of_pins
#define parm_down_micro                 CURS strs4._prm_down_micro
#define parm_left_micro                 CURS strs4._prm_left_micro
#define parm_right_micro                CURS strs4._prm_right_micro
#define parm_up_micro                   CURS strs4._prm_up_micro
#define select_char_set                 CURS strs4._select_char_set
#define set_bottom_margin               CURS strs4._set_bottom_margin
#define set_bottom_margin_parm          CURS strs4._set_bottom_margin_parm
#define set_left_margin_parm            CURS strs4._set_left_margin_parm
#define set_right_margin_parm           CURS strs4._set_right_margin_parm
#define set_top_margin                  CURS strs4._set_top_margin
#define set_top_margin_parm             CURS strs4._set_top_margin_parm
#define start_bit_image                 CURS strs4._start_bit_image
#define start_char_set_def              CURS strs4._start_char_set_def
#define stop_bit_image                  CURS strs4._stop_bit_image
#define stop_char_set_def               CURS strs4._stop_char_set_def
#define subscript_characters            CURS strs4._subscript_characters
#define superscript_characters          CURS strs4._superscript_characters
#define these_cause_cr                  CURS strs4._these_cause_cr
#define zero_motion                     CURS strs4._zero_motion
#define char_set_names                  CURS strs4._char_set_names
#define key_mouse                       CURS strs4._ky_mouse
#define mouse_info                      CURS strs4._mouse_info
#define req_mouse_pos                   CURS strs4._req_mouse_pos
#define get_mouse                       CURS strs4._get_mouse
#define set_a_foreground                CURS strs4._set_a_foreground
#define set_a_background                CURS strs4._set_a_background
#define pkey_plab                       CURS strs4._pkey_plab
#define device_type                     CURS strs4._device_type
#define code_set_init                   CURS strs4._code_set_init
#define set0_des_seq                    CURS strs4._set0_des_seq
#define set1_des_seq                    CURS strs4._set1_des_seq
#define set2_des_seq                    CURS strs4._set2_des_seq
#define set3_des_seq                    CURS strs4._set3_des_seq
#define set_lr_margin                   CURS strs4._set_lr_margin
#define set_tb_margin                   CURS strs4._set_tb_margin
#define bit_image_repeat                CURS strs4._bit_image_repeat
#define bit_image_newline               CURS strs4._bit_image_newline
#define bit_image_carriage_return               CURS 
#define color_names                     CURS strs4._color_names
#define define_bit_image_region                 CURS 
#define end_bit_image_region            CURS strs4._end_bit_image_region
#define set_color_band                  CURS strs4._set_color_band
#define set_page_length                 CURS strs4._set_page_length
#define display_pc_char                 CURS strs4._display_pc_char
#define enter_pc_charset_mode           CURS strs4._entr_pc_charset_mode
#define exit_pc_charset_mode            CURS strs4._exit_pc_charset_mode
#define enter_scancode_mode             CURS strs4._entr_scancode_mode
#define exit_scancode_mode              CURS strs4._exit_scancode_mode
#define pc_term_options                 CURS strs4._pc_term_options
#define scancode_escape                 CURS strs4._scancode_escape
#define alt_scancode_esc                CURS strs4._alt_scancode_esc
#define set_pglen_inch                  CURS strs4._set_pglen_inch

typedef char *charptr;
struct strs {
        _back_tab,              /* Back tab */
        _bell,                  /* Audible signal (bell) */
        _carriage_return,       /* Carriage return (*) */
        _change_scroll_region,  /* change to lines #1 thru #2 (vt100) (G) */
        _clear_all_tabs,        /* Clear all tab stops. */
        _clear_screen,          /* Clear screen (*) */
        _clr_eol,               /* Clear to end of line */
        _clr_eos,               /* Clear to end of display (*) */
        _column_address,        /* Set cursor column (G) */
        _command_character,     /* Term. settable cmd char in prototype */
        _crsr_address,          /* Cursor motion to row #1 col #2 (G) */
        _crsr_down,             /* Down one line */
        _crsr_home,             /* Home cursor (if no cup) */
        _crsr_invisible,        /* Make cursor invisible */
        _crsr_left,             /* Move cursor left one space. */
        _crsr_mem_address,      /* Memory relative cursor addressing. */
        _crsr_normal,           /* Make cursor appear normal (undo vs/vi) */
        _crsr_right,            /* Non-destructive space (cursor right) */
        _crsr_to_ll,            /* Last line, first column (if no cup) */
        _crsr_up,               /* Upline (cursor up) */
        _crsr_visible,          /* Make cursor very visible */
        _dlt_character, /* Delete character (*) */
        _dlt_line,              /* Delete line (*) */
        _dis_status_line,       /* Disable status line */
        _down_half_line,        /* Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed) */
        _entr_alt_charset_mode, /* Start alternate character set */
        _entr_blink_mode,       /* Turn on blinking */
        _entr_bold_mode,        /* Turn on bold (extra bright) mode */
        _entr_ca_mode,          /* String to begin programs that use cup */
        _entr_delete_mode,      /* Delete mode (enter) */
        _entr_dim_mode,         /* Turn on half-bright mode */
        _entr_insert_mode,      /* Insert mode (enter); */
        _entr_secure_mode,      /* Turn on blank mode (chars invisible) */
        _entr_protected_mode,   /* Turn on protected mode */
        _entr_reverse_mode,     /* Turn on reverse video mode */
        _entr_standout_mode,    /* Begin stand out mode */
        _entr_underline_mode,   /* Start underscore mode */
        _erase_chars,           /* Erase #1 characters (G) */
        _exit_alt_charset_mode, /* End alternate character set */
        _exit_attribute_mode,   /* Turn off all attributes */
        _exit_ca_mode,          /* String to end programs that use cup */
        _exit_delete_mode,      /* End delete mode */
        _exit_insert_mode,      /* End insert mode; */
        _exit_standout_mode,    /* End stand out mode */
        _exit_underline_mode,   /* End underscore mode */
        _flash_screen,          /* Visible bell (may not move cursor) */
        _form_feed,             /* Hardcopy terminal page eject (*) */
        _from_status_line,      /* Return from status line */
        _init_1string,          /* Terminal initialization string */
        _init_2string,          /* Terminal initialization string */
        _init_3string,          /* Terminal initialization string */
        _init_file,             /* Name of file containing is */
        _ins_character, /* Insert character */
        _ins_line,              /* Add new blank line (*) */
        _ins_padding,           /* Insert pad after character inserted (*) */
        _ky_backspace,          /* KEY_BACKSPACE, 0407, Sent by backspace key */
        _ky_catab,              /* KEY_CATAB, 0526, Sent by clear-all-tabs key. 
        _ky_clear,              /* KEY_CLEAR, 0515, Sent by clear screen or 
erase key. */
        _ky_ctab,               /* KEY_CTAB, 0525, Sent by clear-tab key */
        _ky_dc,                 /* KEY_DC, 0512, Sent by delete character key. 
        _ky_dl,                 /* KEY_DL, 0510, Sent by delete line key. */
        _ky_down,               /* KEY_DOWN, 0402, Sent by terminal down arrow 
key */
        _ky_eic,                /* KEY_EIC, 0514, Sent by rmir or smir in 
insert mode. */
        _ky_eol,                /* KEY_EOL, 0517, Sent by clear-to-end-of-line 
key. */
        _ky_eos,                /* KEY_EOS, 0516, Sent by 
clear-to-end-of-screen key. */
        _ky_f0,                 /* KEY_F(0), 0410, function key f0. */
        _ky_f1,                 /* KEY_F(1), 0411, function key f1. */
        _ky_f10,                /* KEY_F(10), 0422, function key f10. */
        _ky_f2,                 /* KEY_F(2), 0412, function key f2. */
        _ky_f3,                 /* KEY_F(3), 0413, function key f3. */
        _ky_f4,                 /* KEY_F(4), 0414, function key f4. */
        _ky_f5,                 /* KEY_F(5), 0415, function key f5. */
        _ky_f6,                 /* KEY_F(6), 0416, function key f6. */
        _ky_f7,                 /* KEY_F(7), 0417, function key f7. */
        _ky_f8,                 /* KEY_F(8), 0420, function key f8. */
        _ky_f9,                 /* KEY_F(9), 0421, function key f9. */
        _ky_home,               /* KEY_HOME, 0406, Sent by home key. */
        _ky_ic,                 /* KEY_IC, 0513, Sent by ins char/enter ins 
mode key. */
        _ky_il,                 /* KEY_IL, 0511, Sent by insert line. */
        _ky_left,               /* KEY_LEFT, 0404, Sent by terminal left arrow 
key */
        _ky_ll,                 /* KEY_LL, 0533, Sent by home-down key */
        _ky_npage,              /* KEY_NPAGE, 0522, Sent by next-page key */
        _ky_ppage,              /* KEY_PPAGE, 0523, Sent by previous-page key */
        _ky_right,              /* KEY_RIGHT, 0405, Sent by terminal right 
arrow key */
        _ky_sf,                 /* KEY_SF, 0520, Sent by scroll-forward/down 
key */
        _ky_sr,                 /* KEY_SR, 0521, Sent by scroll-backward/up key 
        _ky_stab,               /* KEY_STAB, 0524, Sent by set-tab key */
        _ky_up,                 /* KEY_UP, 0403, Sent by terminal up arrow key 
        _kpad_local,            /* Out of "keypad transmit" mode */
        _kpad_xmit,             /* Put terminal in "keypad transmit" mode */
        _lab_f0,                /* Labels on function key f0 if not f0 */
        _lab_f1,                /* Labels on function key f1 if not f1 */
        _lab_f10,               /* Labels on function key f10 if not f10 */
        _lab_f2,                /* Labels on function key f2 if not f2 */
        _lab_f3,                /* Labels on function key f3 if not f3 */
        _lab_f4,                /* Labels on function key f4 if not f4 */
        _lab_f5,                /* Labels on function key f5 if not f5 */
        _lab_f6,                /* Labels on function key f6 if not f6 */
        _lab_f7,                /* Labels on function key f7 if not f7 */
        _lab_f8;                        /* Labels on function key f8 if not f8 

struct strs2 {
        _lab_f9,                /* Labels on function key f9 if not f9 */
        _meta_off,              /* Turn off "meta mode" */
        _meta_on,               /* Turn on "meta mode" (8th bit) */
        _newline,               /* Newline (behaves like cr followed by lf) */
        _pad_char,              /* Pad character (rather than null) */
        _prm_dch,               /* Delete #1 chars (G*) */
        _prm_delete_line,       /* Delete #1 lines (G*) */
        _prm_down_cursor,       /* Move cursor down #1 lines. (G*) */
        _prm_ich,               /* Insert #1 blank chars (G*) */
        _prm_index,             /* Scroll forward #1 lines. (G) */
        _prm_insert_line,       /* Add #1 new blank lines (G*) */
        _prm_left_cursor,       /* Move cursor left #1 spaces (G) */
        _prm_right_cursor,      /* Move cursor right #1 spaces. (G*) */
        _prm_rindex,            /* Scroll backward #1 lines. (G) */
        _prm_up_cursor,         /* Move cursor up #1 lines. (G*) */
        _pkey_key,              /* Prog funct key #1 to type string #2 */
        _pkey_local,            /* Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2 */
        _pkey_xmit,             /* Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2 */
        _print_screen,          /* Print contents of the screen */
        _prtr_off,              /* Turn off the printer */
        _prtr_on,               /* Turn on the printer */
        _repeat_char,           /* Repeat char #1 #2 times.  (G*) */
        _reset_1string,         /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */
        _reset_2string,         /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */
        _reset_3string,         /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */
        _reset_file,            /* Name of file containing reset string. */
        _restore_cursor,        /* Restore cursor to position of last sc. */
        _row_address,           /* Like hpa but sets row. (G) */
        _save_cursor,           /* Save cursor position. */
        _scrll_forward,         /* Scroll text up */
        _scrll_reverse,         /* Scroll text down */
        _set_attributes,        /* Define the video attributes (G9) */
        _set_tab,               /* Set a tab in all rows, current column. */
        _set_window,            /* Current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4 */
        _tab,                   /* Tab to next 8 space hardware tab stop. */
        _to_status_line,        /* Go to status line, col #1 */
        _underline_char,        /* Underscore one char and move past it */
        _up_half_line,          /* Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed) */
        _init_prog,             /* Path name of program for init. */
        _ky_a1,                 /* KEY_A1, 0534, Upper left of keypad */
        _ky_a3,                 /* KEY_A3, 0535, Upper right of keypad */
        _ky_b2,                 /* KEY_B2, 0536, Center of keypad */
        _ky_c1,                 /* KEY_C1, 0537, Lower left of keypad */
        _ky_c3,                 /* KEY_C3, 0540, Lower right of keypad */
        _prtr_non,              /* Turn on the printer for #1 bytes. */
        _char_padding,          /* Like ip but when in replace mode */
        _acs_chars,             /* Graphic charset pairs aAbBcC - def=vt100 */
        _plab_norm,             /* Prog label #1 to show string #2 */
        _ky_btab,               /* KEY_BTAB, 0541, Back tab key */
        _entr_xon_mode,         /* Turn on xon/xoff handshaking */
        _exit_xon_mode,         /* Turn off xon/xoff handshaking */
        _entr_am_mode,          /* Turn on automatic margins */
        _exit_am_mode,          /* Turn off automatic margins */
        _xon_character,         /* X-on character */
        _xoff_character,        /* X-off character */
        _ena_acs,               /* Enable alternate char set */
        _labl_on,               /* Turn on soft labels */
        _labl_off,              /* Turn off soft labels */
        _ky_beg,                /* KEY_BEG, 0542, beg(inning) key */
        _ky_cancel,             /* KEY_CANCEL, 0543, cancel key */
        _ky_close,              /* KEY_CLOSE, 0544, close key */
        _ky_command,            /* KEY_COMMAND, 0545, cmd (command) key */
        _ky_copy,               /* KEY_COPY, 0546, copy key */
        _ky_create,             /* KEY_CREATE, 0547, create key */
        _ky_end,                /* KEY_END, 0550, end key */
        _ky_enter,              /* KEY_ENTER, 0527, Enter/send (unreliable) */
        _ky_exit,               /* KEY_EXIT, 0551, exit key */
        _ky_find,               /* KEY_FIND, 0552, find key */
        _ky_help,               /* KEY_HELP, 0553, help key */
        _ky_mark,               /* KEY_MARK, 0554, mark key */
        _ky_message,            /* KEY_MESSAGE, 0555, message key */
        _ky_move,               /* KEY_MOVE, 0556, move key */
        _ky_next,               /* KEY_NEXT, 0557, next object key */
        _ky_open,               /* KEY_OPEN, 0560, open key */
        _ky_options,            /* KEY_OPTIONS, 0561, options key */
        _ky_previous,           /* KEY_PREVIOUS, 0562, previous object key */
        _ky_print,              /* KEY_PRINT, 0532, print or copy */
        _ky_redo,               /* KEY_REDO, 0563, redo key */
        _ky_reference,          /* KEY_REFERENCE, 0564, ref(erence) key */
        _ky_refresh,            /* KEY_REFRESH, 0565, refresh key */
        _ky_replace,            /* KEY_REPLACE, 0566, replace key */
        _ky_restart,            /* KEY_RESTART, 0567, restart key */
        _ky_resume,             /* KEY_RESUME, 0570, resume key */
        _ky_save,               /* KEY_SAVE, 0571, save key */
        _ky_suspend,            /* KEY_SUSPEND, 0627, suspend key */
        _ky_undo,               /* KEY_UNDO, 0630, undo key */
        _ky_sbeg,               /* KEY_SBEG, 0572, shifted beginning key */
        _ky_scancel,            /* KEY_SCANCEL, 0573, shifted cancel key */
        _ky_scommand,           /* KEY_SCOMMAND, 0574, shifted command key */
        _ky_scopy,              /* KEY_SCOPY, 0575, shifted copy key */
        _ky_screate,            /* KEY_SCREATE, 0576, shifted create key */
        _ky_sdc,                /* KEY_SDC, 0577, shifted delete char key */
        _ky_sdl,                /* KEY_SDL, 0600, shifted delete line key */
        _ky_select,             /* KEY_SELECT, 0601, select key */
        _ky_send,               /* KEY_SEND, 0602, shifted end key */
        _ky_seol,               /* KEY_SEOL, 0603, shifted clear line key */
        _ky_sexit,              /* KEY_SEXIT, 0604, shifted exit key */
        _ky_sfind,              /* KEY_SFIND, 0605, shifted find key */
        _ky_shelp,              /* KEY_SHELP, 0606, shifted help key */
        _ky_shome;              /* KEY_SHOME, 0607, shifted home key */

struct strs3 {
        _ky_sic,                /* KEY_SIC, 0610, shifted input key */
        _ky_sleft,              /* KEY_SLEFT, 0611, shifted left arrow key */
        _ky_smessage,           /* KEY_SMESSAGE, 0612, shifted message key */
        _ky_smove,              /* KEY_SMOVE, 0613, shifted move key */
        _ky_snext,              /* KEY_SNEXT, 0614, shifted next key */
        _ky_soptions,           /* KEY_SOPTIONS, 0615, shifted options key */
        _ky_sprevious,          /* KEY_SPREVIOUS, 0616, shifted prev key */
        _ky_sprint,             /* KEY_SPRINT, 0617, shifted print key */
        _ky_sredo,              /* KEY_SREDO, 0620, shifted redo key */
        _ky_sreplace,           /* KEY_SREPLACE, 0621, shifted replace key */
        _ky_sright,             /* KEY_SRIGHT, 0622, shifted right arrow */
        _ky_srsume,             /* KEY_SRSUME, 0623, shifted resume key */
        _ky_ssave,              /* KEY_SSAVE, 0624, shifted save key */
        _ky_ssuspend,           /* KEY_SSUSPEND, 0625, shifted suspend key */
        _ky_sundo,              /* KEY_SUNDO, 0626, shifted undo key */
        _req_for_input,         /* send next input char (for ptys) */
        _ky_f11,                /* KEY_F(11), 0423, function key f11. */
        _ky_f12,                /* KEY_F(12), 0424, function key f12. */
        _ky_f13,                /* KEY_F(13), 0425, function key f13. */
        _ky_f14,                /* KEY_F(14), 0426, function key f14. */
        _ky_f15,                /* KEY_F(15), 0427, function key f15. */
        _ky_f16,                /* KEY_F(16), 0430, function key f16. */
        _ky_f17,                /* KEY_F(17), 0431, function key f17. */
        _ky_f18,                /* KEY_F(18), 0432, function key f18. */
        _ky_f19,                /* KEY_F(19), 0433, function key f19. */
        _ky_f20,                /* KEY_F(20), 0434, function key f20. */
        _ky_f21,                /* KEY_F(21), 0435, function key f21. */
        _ky_f22,                /* KEY_F(22), 0436, function key f22. */
        _ky_f23,                /* KEY_F(23), 0437, function key f23. */
        _ky_f24,                /* KEY_F(24), 0440, function key f24. */
        _ky_f25,                /* KEY_F(25), 0441, function key f25. */
        _ky_f26,                /* KEY_F(26), 0442, function key f26. */
        _ky_f27,                /* KEY_F(27), 0443, function key f27. */
        _ky_f28,                /* KEY_F(28), 0444, function key f28. */
        _ky_f29,                /* KEY_F(29), 0445, function key f29. */
        _ky_f30,                /* KEY_F(30), 0446, function key f30. */
        _ky_f31,                /* KEY_F(31), 0447, function key f31. */
        _ky_f32,                /* KEY_F(32), 0450, function key f32. */
        _ky_f33,                /* KEY_F(33), 0451, function key f33. */
        _ky_f34,                /* KEY_F(34), 0452, function key f34. */
        _ky_f35,                /* KEY_F(35), 0453, function key f35. */
        _ky_f36,                /* KEY_F(36), 0454, function key f36. */
        _ky_f37,                /* KEY_F(37), 0455, function key f37. */
        _ky_f38,                /* KEY_F(38), 0456, function key f38. */
        _ky_f39,                /* KEY_F(39), 0457, function key f39. */
        _ky_f40,                /* KEY_F(40), 0460, function key f40. */
        _ky_f41,                /* KEY_F(41), 0461, function key f41. */
        _ky_f42,                /* KEY_F(42), 0462, function key f42. */
        _ky_f43,                /* KEY_F(43), 0463, function key f43. */
        _ky_f44,                /* KEY_F(44), 0464, function key f44. */
        _ky_f45,                /* KEY_F(45), 0465, function key f45. */
        _ky_f46,                /* KEY_F(46), 0466, function key f46. */
        _ky_f47,                /* KEY_F(47), 0467, function key f47. */
        _ky_f48,                /* KEY_F(48), 0470, function key f48. */
        _ky_f49,                /* KEY_F(49), 0471, function key f49. */
        _ky_f50,                /* KEY_F(50), 0472, function key f50. */
        _ky_f51,                /* KEY_F(51), 0473, function key f51. */
        _ky_f52,                /* KEY_F(52), 0474, function key f52. */
        _ky_f53,                /* KEY_F(53), 0475, function key f53. */
        _ky_f54,                /* KEY_F(54), 0476, function key f54. */
        _ky_f55,                /* KEY_F(55), 0477, function key f55. */
        _ky_f56,                /* KEY_F(56), 0500, function key f56. */
        _ky_f57,                /* KEY_F(57), 0501, function key f57. */
        _ky_f58,                /* KEY_F(58), 0502, function key f58. */
        _ky_f59,                /* KEY_F(59), 0503, function key f59. */
        _ky_f60,                /* KEY_F(60), 0504, function key f60. */
        _ky_f61,                /* KEY_F(61), 0505, function key f61. */
        _ky_f62,                /* KEY_F(62), 0506, function key f62. */
        _ky_f63,                /* KEY_F(63), 0507, function key f63. */
        _clr_bol,               /* Clear to beginning of line, inclusive */
        _clear_margins,         /* Clear left and right soft margins */
        _set_left_margin,       /* Set soft left margin */
        _set_right_margin,      /* Set soft right margin */
        _labl_format,           /* Label format */
        _set_clock,             /* Set time-of-day clock */
        _display_clock,         /* Display time-of-day clock */
        _remove_clock,          /* Remove time-of-day clock */
        _create_window,         /* Define win #1 to go from #2,#3 to #4,#5 */
        _goto_window,           /* Got to window #1 */
        _hangup,                /* Hang-up phone */
        _dial_phone,            /* Dial phone number #1 */
        _quick_dial,            /* Dial phone number #1, without progress 
detection */
        _tone,                  /* Select touch tone dialing */
        _pulse,                 /* Select pulse dialing */
        _flash_hook,            /* Flash the switch hook */
        _fixed_pause,           /* Pause for 2-3 seconds */
        _wait_tone,             /* Wait for dial tone */
        _user0,                 /* User string 0 */
        _user1,                 /* User string 1 */
        _user2,                 /* User string 2 */
        _user3,                 /* User string 3 */
        _user4,                 /* User string 4 */
        _user5,                 /* User string 5 */
        _user6,                 /* User string 6 */
        _user7,                 /* User string 7 */
        _user8,                 /* User string 8 */
        _user9,                 /* User string 9 */
        _orig_pair,             /* Original color-pair */
        _orig_colors,           /* Original colors */
        _initialize_color;      /* Initialize the definition of color */

struct strs4 {
        _initialize_pair,       /* Initialize color pair */
        _set_color_pair,        /* Set color pair        */
        _set_foreground,        /* Set foreground color using RGB escape */
        _set_background,        /* Set background color using RGB escape */
        _change_char_pitch,     /* Change no. characters per inch */
        _change_line_pitch,     /* Change no. lines per inch */
        _change_res_horz,       /* Change horizontal resolution */
        _change_res_vert,       /* Change vertical resolution */
        _define_char,           /* Define a character in a character set */
        _entr_doublewide_mode,  /* Enable double wide printing */
        _entr_draft_quality,    /* Set draft quality print */
        _entr_italics_mode,     /* Enable italics */
        _entr_leftward_mode,    /* Enable leftward carriage motion */
        _entr_micro_mode,       /* Enable micro motion capabilities */
        _entr_near_letter_quality,      /* Set near-letter quality print */
        _entr_normal_quality,   /* Set normal quality print */
        _entr_shadow_mode,      /* Enable shadow printing */
        _entr_subscript_mode,   /* Enable subscript printing */
        _entr_superscript_mode, /* Enable superscript printing */
        _entr_upward_mode,      /* Enable upward carriage motion */
        _exit_doublewide_mode,  /* Disable double wide printing */
        _exit_italics_mode,     /* Disable italics */
        _exit_leftward_mode,    /* Enable rightward (normal) carriage motion */
        _exit_micro_mode,       /* Disable micro motion capabilities */
        _exit_shadow_mode,      /* Disable shadow printing */
        _exit_subscript_mode,   /* Disable subscript printing */
        _exit_superscript_mode, /* Disable superscript printing */
        _exit_upward_mode,      /* Enable downward (normal) carriage motion */
        _micro_column_address,  /* Like column_address for micro adjustment */
        _micro_down,            /* Like cursor_down for micro adjustment */
        _micro_left,            /* Like cursor_left for micro adjustment */
        _micro_right,           /* Like cursor_right for micro adjustment */
        _micro_row_address,     /* Like row_address for micro adjustment */
        _micro_up,              /* Like cursor_up for micro adjustment */
        _order_of_pins,         /* Matches software bits to print-head pins */
        _prm_down_micro,        /* Like parm_down_cursor for micro adjust. */
        _prm_left_micro,        /* Like parm_left_cursor for micro adjust. */
        _prm_right_micro,       /* Like parm_right_cursor for micro adjust. */
        _prm_up_micro,          /* Like parm_up_cursor for micro adjust. */
        _select_char_set,       /* Select character set */
        _set_bottom_margin,     /* Set soft bottom margin at current line */
        _set_bottom_margin_parm,/* Set soft bottom margin */
        _set_left_margin_parm,  /* Set soft left margin */
        _set_right_margin_parm, /* Set soft right margin */
        _set_top_margin,        /* Set soft top margin at current line */
        _set_top_margin_parm,   /* Set soft top margin */
        _start_bit_image,       /* Start printing bit image graphics */
        _start_char_set_def,    /* Start definition of a character set */
        _stop_bit_image,        /* End printing bit image graphics (use tputs) 
        _stop_char_set_def,     /* End definition of a character set */
        _subscript_characters,  /* List of ``subscript-able'' characters */
        _superscript_characters,/* List of ``superscript-able'' characters */
        _these_cause_cr,        /* Printing any of these chars causes cr */
        _zero_motion,           /* No motion for the subsequent character */
        _char_set_names,        /* List of character set names */
        _ky_mouse,              /* KEY_MOUSE, 0631, Mouse event has occured */
        _mouse_info,            /* Mouse status information */
        _req_mouse_pos,         /* Request mouse position report */
        _get_mouse,             /* Curses should get button events */
        _set_a_foreground,      /* Set foreground color using ANSI escape */
        _set_a_background,      /* Set background color using ANSI escape */
        _pkey_plab,             /* Prog key #1 to xmit string #2 and show 
string #3 */
        _device_type,           /* Indicate language/codeset support */
        _code_set_init,         /* Init sequence for multiple codesets */
        _set0_des_seq,          /* Shift into codeset 0 (EUC set 0, ASCII) */
        _set1_des_seq,          /* Shift into codeset 1 */
        _set2_des_seq,          /* Shift into codeset 2 */
        _set3_des_seq,          /* Shift into codeset 3 */
        _set_lr_margin,         /* Sets both left and right margins */
        _set_tb_margin,         /* Sets both top and bottom margins */
        _bit_image_repeat,      /* Repeat bit-image cell #1 #2 times (use 
tparm) */
        _bit_image_newline,     /* Move to next row of the bit image (use 
tparm) */
        _bit_image_carriage_return,     /* Move to beginning of same row (use 
tparm) */
        _color_names,           /* Give name for color #1 */
        _define_bit_image_region,       /* Define rectangular bit-image region 
(use tparm) */
        _end_bit_image_region,  /* End a bit-image region (use tparm) */
        _set_color_band,        /* Change to ribbon color #1 */
        _set_page_length,       /* Set page length to #1 lines (use tparm) */
        _display_pc_char,       /* Display PC character */
        _entr_pc_charset_mode,  /* Enter PC character display mode */
        _exit_pc_charset_mode,  /* Disable PC character display mode */
        _entr_scancode_mode,    /* Enter PC scancode mode */
        _exit_scancode_mode,    /* Disable PC scancode mode */
        _pc_term_options,       /* PC terminal options */
        _scancode_escape,       /* Escape for scancode emulation */
        _alt_scancode_esc,      /* Alternate escape for scancode emulation */
        _set_pglen_inch,        /* Set page length to #1 hundredths of an inch 
(use tparm) */
        Sentinel;               /* End of strings. DO NOT MOVE! */

struct _bool_struct {
        _auto_left_margin,      /* cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column */
        _auto_right_margin,     /* Terminal has automatic margins */
        _no_esc_ctlc,           /* Beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C) */
        _ceol_standout_glitch,  /* Standout not erased by overwriting (hp) */
        _eat_newline_glitch,    /* newline ignored after 80 cols (Concept) */
        _erase_overstrike,      /* Can erase overstrikes with a blank */
        _generic_type,          /* Generic line type (e.g. dialup, switch). */
        _hard_copy,             /* Hardcopy terminal */
        _has_meta_key,          /* Has a meta key (shift, sets parity bit) */
        _has_status_line,       /* Has extra "status line" */
        _ins_null_glitch,       /* Insert mode distinguishes nulls */
        _mem_above,             /* Display may be retained above the screen */
        _mem_below,             /* Display may be retained below the screen */
        _move_insert_mode,      /* Safe to move while in insert mode */
        _move_standout_mode,    /* Safe to move in standout modes */
        _over_strike,           /* Terminal overstrikes */
        _status_line_esc_ok,    /* Escape can be used on the status line */
        _dest_tabs_magic_smso,  /* Tabs destructive, magic so char (t1061) */
        _tilde_glitch,          /* Hazeltine; can't print ~'s */
        _transparent_underline, /* underline character overstrikes */
        _xon_xoff,              /* Terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking */
        _needs_xon_xoff,        /* Padding won't work, xon/xoff required */
        _prtr_silent,           /* Printer won't echo on screen. */
        _hard_cursor,           /* Cursor is hard to see. */
        _non_rev_rmcup,         /* Smcup does not reverse rmcup. */
        _no_pad_char,           /* Pad character doesn't exist. */
        _non_dest_scroll_region,/* Scrolling region is non-destructive. */
        _can_change,            /* Can re-define existing color */
        _back_color_erase,      /* Erases screen with current background */
        _hue_lightness_saturation,      /* HLS color notation is used (Tek) */
        _col_addr_glitch,       /* Only positive motion for hpa/mhpa caps */
        _cr_cancels_micro_mode, /* Using cr turns off micro mode */
        _has_print_wheel,       /* Printer needs operator to change character 
set */
        _row_addr_glitch,       /* Only positive motion for vpa/mvpa caps */
        _semi_auto_right_margin,/* Printing in last column causes cr */
        _cpi_changes_res,       /* Changing char. pitch changes resolution */
        _lpi_changes_res,       /* Changing line pitch changes resolution */
        Sentinel;               /* End of bools. DO NOT MOVE! */

struct _num_struct {
        _columns,               /* Number of columns in a line */
        _init_tabs,             /* Tabs initially every # spaces. */
        _lines,                 /* Number of lines on screen or page */
        _lines_of_memory,       /* Lines of memory if > lines.  0 => varies */
        _magic_cookie_glitch,   /* Number blank chars left by smso or rmso */
        _padding_baud_rate,     /* Lowest baud rate where padding needed */
        _virtual_terminal,      /* Virtual terminal number (CB/Unix) */
        _width_status_line,     /* # columns in status line */
        _num_labels,            /* # of labels on screen (start at 1) */
        _labl_height,           /* # rows in each label */
        _labl_width,            /* # cols in each label */
        _max_attributes,        /* max combined video attributes terminal can 
display */
        _maximum_windows,       /* Maximum number of defineable windows */
        _max_colors,            /* max # of color on the screen */
        _max_pairs,             /* max # of color pairs on the screen */
        _no_color_video,        /* Video attributes that cannot be used with 
colors */
        _buffer_capacity,       /* Number of bytes buffered before printing */
        _dot_vert_spacing,      /* Spacing of pins vertically in pins per inch 
        _dot_horz_spacing,      /* Spacing of dots horizontally in dots per 
inch */
        _max_micro_address,     /* Maximum value in micro_..._address */
        _max_micro_jump,        /* Maximum value in parm_..._micro */
        _micro_char_size,       /* Character step size when in micro mode */
        _micro_line_size,       /* Line step size when in micro mode */
        _number_of_pins,        /* Number of pins in print-head */
        _output_res_char,       /* Horizontal resolution in units per character 
        _output_res_line,       /* Vertical resolution in units per line */
        _output_res_horz_inch,  /* Horizontal resolution in units per inch */
        _output_res_vert_inch,  /* Vertical resolution in units per inch */
        _print_rate,            /* Print rate in characters per second */
        _wide_char_size,        /* Character step size when in double wide mode 
        _buttons,               /* Number of buttons on the mouse */
        _bit_image_entwining,   /* Number of passes for each bit-image row */
        _bit_image_type,        /* Type of bit-image device */
        Sentinel;               /* End of nums. DO NOT MOVE! */

struct _str_struct {
        struct strs strs;
        struct strs2 strs2;
        struct strs3 strs3;
        struct strs4 strs4;

#define UNACCESSIBLE            1
#define NO_TERMINAL             2
#define CORRUPTED               3
#define ENTRY_TOO_LONG          4
#define TERMINFO_TOO_LONG       5
#define TERM_BAD_MALLOC         6
#define NOT_READABLE            7
#define _VR2_COMPAT_CODE
struct _Vr2_Astrs {
        _s1,  _s2,  _s3,  _s4,  _s5,  _s6,  _s7,  _s8,  _s9,  _s10,
        _s11, _s12, _s13, _s14, _s15, _s16, _s17, _s18, _s19, _s20,
        _s21, _s22, _s23, _s24, _s25, _s26, _s27, _s28, _s29, _s30,
        _s31, _s32, _s33, _s34, _s35, _s36, _s37, _s38, _s39, _s40,
        _s41, _s42, _s43, _s44, _s45, _s46, _s47, _s48, _s49, _s50,
        _s51, _s52, _s53, _s54, _s55, _s56, _s57, _s58, _s59, _s60,
        _s61, _s62, _s63, _s64, _s65, _s66, _s67, _s68, _s69, _s70,
        _s71, _s72, _s73, _s74, _s75, _s76, _s77, _s78, _s79, _s80,
        _s81, _s82, _s83, _s84, _s85, _s86, _s87, _s88, _s89, _s90,
        _s91, _s92, _s93, _s94, _s95, _s96, _s97, _s98, _s99, _s100;

struct _Vr2_Bstrs {
        _s101, _s102, _s103, _s104, _s105, _s106, _s107, _s108, _s109, _s110,
        _s111, _s112, _s113, _s114, _s115, _s116, _s117, _s118, _s119, _s120,
        _s121, _s122, _s123, _s124, _s125, _s126, _s127, _s128, _s129, _s130,
        _s131, _s132, _s133, _s134, _s135, _s136, _s137, _s138, _s139, _s140,
        _s141, _s142, _s143, _s144, _s145;
#endif /* _VR2_COMPAT_CODE */

typedef struct {
        char *_sends;   /* Characters sent when key is pressed */
        short _keyval;  /* "char" we pass back to program */

typedef struct {
        short  foreground;   /* foreground color */
        short  background;   /* background color */
        bool   init;         /* TRUE if pair was initialized */
} _Color_pair;

typedef struct {
        short   r, g, b;
} _Color;

 * This definition for the term struct allows the boolean, number
 * and string information to grow in the future and still allow .o
 * compatibility.

struct term {
        _b1,  _b2,  _b3,  _b4,  _b5,  _b6,  _b7,  _b8,  _b9,  _b10,
        _b11, _b12, _b13, _b14, _b15, _b16, _b17, _b18, _b19, _b20, _b21;
        _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5, _c6, _c7, _c8;
        struct _Vr2_Astrs _Vr2_Astrs;
        struct _Vr2_Bstrs _Vr2_Bstrs;
#endif /* _VR2_COMPAT_CODE */
        short Filedes;          /* file descriptor being written to */
        SGTTY Ottyb,            /* original state of the terminal */
              Nttyb;            /* current state of the terminal */
        struct termcb new, old; /* CB/UNIX virtual terminals */
#ifdef LTILDE
        int newlmode, oldlmode; /* BSD tty driver */
        /* end of Vr2 structure */
        struct _bool_struct *_bools;
        struct _num_struct *_nums;
        struct _str_struct *_strs;
        char *_strtab;
#ifndef _SGI_SOURCE
        long timeout;           /* for BSD halfdelay mode */
#endif  /* !_SGI_SOURCE */
        /* end of Vr3 structure */
        chtype sgr_mode;                /* current phys. graphic rendition */
        chtype sgr_faked;               /* attributes faked by vidputs */
        int    _delay;                  /* timeout for inputs */
        int    _inputfd;                /* input file descriptor */
        int    _check_fd;               /* typeahead file descriptor */
        _KEY_MAP        **_keys,        /* key map */
                        *internal_keys; /* pointer to free key structures */
        short           _ksz,           /* size of keymap */
                        _lastkey_ordered,/* where the last ordered key is */
                        _lastmacro_ordered,/* where the last ordered macro is */
        bool                            /* map of which chars start fn keys */
        bool            _fl_rawmode,    /* in cbreak(=1) or raw(=2) mode */
                        fl_typeahdok,   /* ok to use typeahead */
                        _cursorstate,   /* cursor: 0=invis, 1=norm, 2=vvis */
                        _iwait;         /* true if input-pending */
        short           _regs[26];      /* tparm static registers */
#define INP_QSIZE       32
        chtype                          /* a place to put stuff ungetch'ed */
        short           _ungotten;      /* # chars ungotten by ungetch() */
        char            _chars_on_queue; /* # chars on queue */
        _ochtype        *_acsmap;
        chtype          *_acs32map;     /* map of alternate char set chars */
#else /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */
        chtype          *_acsmap;       /* map of alternate char set chars */
#endif /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */
        char            *turn_on_seq[NUM_ATTRIBUTES];
        chtype          bit_vector;
        char            *cursor_seq[3];
        char            _termname[15];
        char            *turn_off_seq[3];
        chtype          check_turn_off;
        chtype          non_faked_mode;
        _Color_pair     _cur_pair;
        _Color_pair     *_pairs_tbl;
        _Color          *_color_tbl;

typedef struct term TERMINAL;

/* allow old names for these capabilities */
#define beehive_glitch  no_esc_ctlc
#define teleray_glitch  dest_tabs_magic_smso

extern TERMINAL                 *cur_term;
extern struct _bool_struct      *cur_bools;
extern struct _num_struct       *cur_nums;
extern struct _str_struct       *cur_strs;

#ifdef SINGLE
extern TERMINAL                 _first_term;
extern struct _bool_struct      _frst_bools;
extern struct _num_struct       _frst_nums;
extern struct _str_struct       _frst_strs;

# define CUR                    _first_term.
# define CURB                   _frst_bools.
# define CURN                   _frst_nums.
# define CURS                   _frst_strs.
# define PROGTTY                _first_term.Nttyb
# define SHELLTTY               _first_term.Ottyb
# define CUR                    cur_term->
# define CURB                   cur_bools->
# define CURN                   cur_nums->
# define CURS                   cur_strs->
# define PROGTTY                (cur_term->Nttyb)
# define SHELLTTY               (cur_term->Ottyb)
#ifndef NOMACROS
#define set_curterm     setcurterm
#define del_curterm     delterm
#else   /* NOMACROS */

#ifdef     __STDC__
extern  TERMINAL        *set_curterm(TERMINAL *);
extern  int             del_curterm(TERMINAL *);
#else   /* __STDC__ */
extern  TERMINAL        *set_curterm();
extern  int             del_curterm();
#endif  /* __STDC__ */

#endif  /* NOMACROS */

extern  short   term_errno;

extern  char    term_parm_err[], *term_err_strings[], *Def_term,
                *boolnames[], *boolcodes[], *boolfnames[],
                *numnames[], *numcodes[], *numfnames[],
                *strnames[], *strcodes[], *strfnames[];

#ifdef __STDC__
extern  TERMINAL        *setcurterm(TERMINAL *);
extern  char    *tparm(char *instring, ...),
                *tgoto(char *, int, int),
                *tgetstr(char *, char **),
                *tigetstr(char *),

extern  int     tigetflag(char *), tigetnum(char *);

extern  int     tgetent(char *, char *), tgetflag(char *), tgetnum(char *),
                tputs(char *, int, int (*)(int)), putp(char *),
                vidputs(chtype, int (*)(int)), vidattr(chtype);

extern  int     resetterm(void), fixterm(void), saveterm(void),
                restartterm(char *, int, int *), delterm(TERMINAL *);

extern  void    termerr(void), tinputfd(int);
#else  /* __STDC__ */
extern  TERMINAL        *setcurterm();
extern  char    *tparm(), *tgoto(), *tgetstr(), *tigetstr(),

extern  int     tigetflag(), tigetnum();

extern  int     tgetent(), tgetflag(), tgetnum(),
                tputs(), putp(), vidputs(), vidattr();

extern  int     resetterm(), fixterm(), saveterm(),
                restartterm(), delterm();

extern  void    termerr(), tinputfd();
#endif /* __STDC__ */

#endif /* auto_left_margin */

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