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Re: Bash script & Cronjob mail

From: Manuel Ifland
Subject: Re: Bash script & Cronjob mail
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 17:12:02 +0200

Hello Paul,

thank you very much for your (extremely fast) answer. I tried your solution
in my script and it worked. Now I'll never get any more mails with the
fetchmail output.

Best regards,

> "Manuel Ifland" <mistudio@altavista.de> wrote:
> > If I do this, cron sends a mail that also says "function
> > unimplementet".
> I expect there's more to the error message than that.  Whatever is
> giving you this message is telling you that you tried to make it do
> something it can't do.  You should find out what, and stop trying to
> make it do that.
> > #!/bin/sh
> > /usr/bin/fetchmail>/dev/null
> > if [ $? = 0 ]
> > then
> >  play sound.wav
> > fi
> Try this:
> #!/bin/sh
> if /usr/bin/fetchmail > /dev/null 2>&1; then
>   play sound.wav
> fi
> > How can I prevent cron from sending me the fetchmail output?
> The "2>&1" above will suppress it, if it is indeed coming from
> fetchmail.  But the problem it's telling you about will still exist.
> > How can I specify parameters in my script for fetchmail?
> The same way you normally would.
> paul

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