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BASH ignores language for command completion

From: Bruce Korb
Subject: BASH ignores language for command completion
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 07:29:10 -0700

I've stripped all LC_* variables plus LANG from my environment:

> $ env|fgrep LANG
> $ env|fgrep LC_
> $

Command completion still used "EN_us" for sorting directories
in command completion.  e.g.:

$ cd
.adobe/                  .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2        .profile
.altera.quartus/         .hist/                   .python-eggs/
.bash_history            .hplip/                  .qt/
.bashrc                  .ICEauthority            .recently-used
bin/                     .icons/                  .recently-used.xbel
.com.oxygenxml/          info/                    .redhat/
.config/                 .install4j               .reviewboardrc
.cvspass                 .java/                   SamaraSample/
.DCOPserver_bkorb-dt__0  .kde/                    .sane/
.DCOPserver_bkorb-dt_:0  .kderc                   .Skype/
Desktop/                 .lesshst                 .sopc_builder/
.dmrc                    .local/                  .ssh/
Documents/               .macromedia/             .subversion/
Downloads/               man/                     sw/
.eggcups/                .mcop/                   tmp/
.emacs                   .merlot/                 .Trash/
.emacs.d/                .metacity/               Videos/
.esd_auth                Mod/                     .viminfo
.evolution/              .mozilla/                .VirtualBox/
.fontconfig/             .nautilus/               VirtualBoxImages/
.gconf/                  new-dmgr/                work/
.gconfd/                 nios2bin/                .Xauthority
.gitconfig               NVIDIA/                  .xcompmgrrc
.gnome/                  .openoffice.org/         .Xdefaults
.gnome2/                 .openoffice.org2.0/      xsd-parse/
.gnome2_private/         .p4qt/                   .xsession-errors
.google/                 .p4tickets               yang-dm/
.gstreamer-0.10/         Pictures/
$ ls -A
.DCOPserver_bkorb-dt_:0  .fontconfig        .merlot
.DCOPserver_bkorb-dt__0  .gconf             .metacity            Desktop
.ICEauthority            .gconfd            .mozilla             Documents
.Skype                   .gitconfig         .nautilus            Downloads
.Trash                   .gnome             .openoffice.org      Mod
.VirtualBox              .gnome2            .openoffice.org2.0   NVIDIA
.Xauthority              .gnome2_private    .p4qt                Pictures
.Xdefaults               .google            .p4tickets           SamaraSample
.adobe                   .gstreamer-0.10    .profile             Videos
.altera.quartus          .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2  .python-eggs
.bash_history            .hist              .qt                  bin
.bashrc                  .hplip             .recently-used       info
.com.oxygenxml           .icons             .recently-used.xbel  man
.config                  .install4j         .redhat              new-dmgr
.cvspass                 .java              .reviewboardrc       nios2bin
.dmrc                    .kde               .sane                sw
.eggcups                 .kderc             .sopc_builder        tmp
.emacs                   .lesshst           .ssh                 work
.emacs.d                 .local             .subversion          xsd-parse
.esd_auth                .macromedia        .viminfo             yang-dm
.evolution               .mcop              .xcompmgrrc

So BASH must have squirreled away the setting before I removed it
from the environment and used this Very Broken sorting order.
(Who thought this was clever, I wonder.  That's off topic.....)

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