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Re: Bash-4.3 Official Patch 3

From: Linda Walsh
Subject: Re: Bash-4.3 Official Patch 3
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:47:18 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird

Chet Ramey wrote:
Bash-Release:   4.3
Patch-IDs:      bash43-00{3..8}

Chet, patches 1 and 2 applied with no problems:
but 3-8 don't follow the same pattern and give warnings no
matter what:

i=1;patch  <../bash-4.3-patches/bash43-00$i
patching file test.c
patching file patchlevel.h
Ishtar:tools/bash/bash-4.3> i=2;patch  <../bash-4.3-patches/bash43-00$i
patching file trap.c
patching file patchlevel.h
Ishtar:tools/bash/bash-4.3> i=3;patch  <../bash-4.3-patches/bash43-00$i
can't find file to patch at input line 20
Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?...
so tried -p0 (which supposedly says don't strip any leading slashes, --
which I thought was the default?)

i=3;patch -p0  <../bash-4.3-patches/bash43-00$i
Ignoring potentially dangerous file name ../bash-4.3/lib/readline/readline.c
patching file lib/readline/readline.c
Ignoring potentially dangerous file name ../bash-4.3/patchlevel.h
patching file patchlevel.h


Got the same problems on 4-8

Looks like the problem is in the "from" file name and it containing
../bash-4.3/ in front of the path -- which patch cautions against
doing: (man patch(1)):

       If  the recipient is supposed to use the -pN option, do not send output
       that looks like this:

          diff -Naur v2.0.29/prog/README prog/README
          --- v2.0.29/prog/README   Mon Mar 10 15:13:12 1997
          +++ prog/README   Mon Mar 17 14:58:22 1997

       because the two file names have different numbers of slashes, and  dif-
       ferent  versions  of  patch  interpret  the file names differently.  To
       avoid confusion, send output that looks like this instead:

          diff -Naur v2.0.29/prog/README v2.0.30/prog/README
          --- v2.0.29/prog/README   Mon Mar 10 15:13:12 1997
          +++ v2.0.30/prog/README   Mon Mar 17 14:58:22 1997

The following perl-script line if run in the patch dir will get
rid of the extra prefix:

perl -i -pe 's{../bash-4\.3/}{}' bash43-00{1..8}


Also, FWIW, patch 4 didn't apply "cleanly", which I thought was a bit odd?
for i in 4; do patch -p0 <.."/bash-4.3-patches/bash43-00$i"
patching file lib/readline/readline.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 966 (offset 1 line).
patching file patchlevel.h

(I had it in a 'for' statement as that's what I tried after the
first... oh well..)

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