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Re: [readline] Multibyte invisible chars cause weird prompt length calcu

From: Алексей Шилин
Subject: Re: [readline] Multibyte invisible chars cause weird prompt length calculation issue
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 18:50:14 +0300
User-agent: Evolution 3.30.5-1.1

В Вт, 26/11/2019 в 07:35 -0600, Dennis Williamson пишет:
> You have printable characters enclosed. For example, \u. _Each_
> sequence of unprintable characters needs to be separately enclosed
> _without_ enclosing the printable ones.
> The first part of your prompt is what needs to be corrected. The
> latter part after "debian_chroot" is correct.

Ah, you meant that it should be:

;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

Or the ']0;' part should be outside of '\[...\]', too?

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