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Bug#306043: bash executable completion doesn't work if there is a space

From: Gioele Barabucci
Subject: Bug#306043: bash executable completion doesn't work if there is a space in the executable path
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 23:21:46 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Control: found -1 5.2.21-2
Control: tags -1 upstream
X-Debbugs-CC: bug-bash@gnu.org

On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 15:20:19 -0700 Frederik Eaton <frederik@ofb.net> wrote:
Bash executable completion doesn't work if there is a space in the
executable path.

This issue is still partially present in current version of Bash.

The most basic case has been fixed:

    $ touch "cmd with spaces"
    $ chmod +x "cmd with spaces"
    $ cmd<TAB>
    $ cmd\ with\ spaces

However there seems to be a linger issue that appears when multiple commands with spaces match a given prefix:

    $ touch "myfoo "{a,b,c}" command"
    $ chmod +x "myfoo "{a,b,c}" command"
    $ ls myfo*
    'myfoo a command'  'myfoo b command'  'myfoo c command'
    $ myf<TAB>
    $ myfoo\ <TAB><TAB>
    $ myfoo\

No suggestions are shown after the double tab. Instead, double tabbing should show all available commands matching the "myfoo " prefix:

    $ myfoo\ <TAB><TAB>
    myfoo a command  myfoo b command  myfoo c command


Gioele Barabucci

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