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Feature request: process title with exec -a "" for oneself

From: Lockywolf
Subject: Feature request: process title with exec -a "" for oneself
Date: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 10:43:17 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.7; emacs 30.0.50

Dear Bash developers,

May I ask for a small feature to be added to bash?

At the moment exec changes IO redirections for the newly started
processes, but if there is no command for exec'ing, it changes those
redirections for the bash process itself.

The exec -a, however, allows setting the current process title (argv0)
only for the newly exec'ed processes, and "exec -a whatever" (without a
command) does nothing.

However it seems to be possible (albeit in a series of 8 syscalls) to
change the _current_ process' cmdline and argv0:

1. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/438007/541470
2. https://github.com/jdebp/nosh/blob/master/source/setprocargv.cpp
3. https://github.com/jdebp/nosh/blob/master/source/setprocenvv.cpp

Would it be possible to add this behaviour to the "exec" bash builtin?

Thank you and sorry if this is too much to ask.

Your sincerely,
Vladimir Nikishkin (MiEr, lockywolf)

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