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Re: memory leak

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: memory leak
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 19:38:29 +0100

At 18:37 +0100 2001/02/08, Olivier Dwelshauvers wrote:
>I had to take a code written by so else for a compiler used in a "real
>time" environment.
>After each execution, I noticed a memory leak of about 4k. This is not
>so much, but in my case it is a big problem because the compiler never
>end thus the memory is never released.
>Has anyone ever heard about this kind of problem? If no, some idea to
>check the memory assignment?

I have noticed what appears to a memory leak, because I use both Bison and
the program it generates as plugins to an IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), and if I compile a lot, eventually the IDE runs out of
memory. I then have to restart the IDE.

>We use "ParaSoft Insure" debuger and it claims that the memory leakS
>come from "bison.simple", in the stack management :
>        line 502 : *++yyvsp = yylval;
>        line 561 : *++yyvsp = yyval;
>        line 748 : return 0;

-- I thought it was Bison itself that was leaking, but it interesting that
you have found that the parser program that Bison generates is leaking.

  Hans Aberg

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