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[Bug-cfengine] UnderscoreClasses macro really broken

From: Andrews, Martin
Subject: [Bug-cfengine] UnderscoreClasses macro really broken
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 10:29:22 -0400

Just a warning - using the UnderscoreClasses = ( on ) directive has a nasty
side effect. It removes all classes containing the characters of the current
machines hard class. I ran into this on a "nt" machine, and it took me a
while to figure out while my class "opt_just_print" was not showing up.
Even using the -U option (which does not delete classes) only adds an
underscore to the OS hard class. I think it should (and documentation
agrees?) add underscores to all built-in classes, like the date and time
classes, host and domain classe, and so on.

Martin Andrews


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