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bug#8462: ubuntu 10.4 descarga progrma padre (Renta 2010) en ubuntu/linu

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: bug#8462: ubuntu 10.4 descarga progrma padre (Renta 2010) en ubuntu/linux
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 21:09:57 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

tag 8462 + moreinfo notabug

> No hem permet descargar.lo, i he lleigit a un comentari que ja l'any
> passat hu va sol.lucionar entrant a Terminal- Laptop, posant:"chmod
> +*renta2010_unix_1_01.sh"
> i respon que no es correscte l`us de "chmod", hem podeu ajudar.
> gracies i salutacions cordials

I think you are having some trouble with the chmod command.
Unfortunately I cannot understand your problem by what you have said.
You say Ubuntu and Terminal-Laptop and Renta 2010 and then you say:

  chmod +*renta2010_unix_1_01.sh  # wrong usage

That is wrong usage.  There is not a "+*" file mode.  There must be a
space between the mode and the filename.

To make the file executable say:

  chmod a+x renta2010_unix_1_01.sh

Or to simply run the file without changing it:

  sh ./renta2010_unix_1_01.sh

That is my best guess at your problem.


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