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bug#8490: dd reads random number of records from pipes - named or otherw

From: John Reiser
Subject: bug#8490: dd reads random number of records from pipes - named or otherwise - coreutils 8.9
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 08:02:06 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110307 Fedora/3.1.9-0.39.b3pre.fc14 Thunderbird/3.1.9

> dd, when reading from stdin or from a named pipe sometimes (but not always) 
> reads a random number of records a bit less then what it should.

> yes|dd bs=1000 count=1000|wc -c
> cat /dev/zero |dd bs=1000 count=1000 |wc -c

dd does "read(fd,buf,bs)" for 'count' times, and writes whatever it gets each 
If the operating system does not deliver 'bs' bytes each time, then the total 
will be less than bs*count bytes.  Because neither /usr/bin/yes nor /dev/zero
generates records with a blocksize of 1000 bytes (nor divisible by 1000 bytes)
then you are at the mercy of multiprocessing delays and pipe buffering.  read()
on a pipe waits only for non-empty, not necessarily for the size requested.


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