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bug#17196: UTF-8 printf string formating problem

From: Steffen Nurpmeso
Subject: bug#17196: UTF-8 printf string formating problem
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:40:41 +0200
User-agent: s-nail v14.6.4-1-ga39836e

Chet Ramey <address@hidden> wrote:
 |On 4/11/14, 6:16 AM, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> Hello,
 |> Chet Ramey <address@hidden> wrote:
 |>|On 4/10/14, 12:16 PM, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |>|> Even better would nonetheless be the great picture with
 |>|> a termios(4) IUTF8 flag, some extended xywidth(3) that returns
 |>|> a tuple of {[EastAsianWidth indication,] is-combining,
 |>|> width-if-non-combining} and best even some composition function.
 |>|But we have always been at war with EastAsia!
 |> I see you really would love to get a hand from POSIX too:
 |I'm sorry, I realize that was rather obscure.  It's from "1984", by George
 |Orwell.  It's a central theme to the book.  The quote was an attempt to

oh, ah, yes.  So.. i got it right without getting it right.

Interestingly, yesterday started a retrospective work on Walter
Benjamin (<http://www.eingedenken.de/enter.html> --
"rememberance"): an artist (Christoph Korn) walked hist last trip
from Banyuls-sur-Mer (France) to Portbou (Spain; where he
committed suicide due to the impossibility to reach the U.S.),
following a fixated time frame (monotonic tick, so to say) after
which he spoke thesis of Benjamin (like, e.g., "There is no
document of civilization which is not at the same time a document
of barbarism."), followed by holding in and taking a (steady cam)
video of the recent leg.  Association with Paul Klees "Angelus
Novus" is desired (from both parties).

 |inject levity into the discussion.

That was easy.


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