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bug#73194: ls command converts utf-8 character into escape sequences

From: Simon Wolfe
Subject: bug#73194: ls command converts utf-8 character into escape sequences
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 09:45:35 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

How does ls version 9.4 do with code points not yet used ?

I'm asking because it seems it takes 2 years for changes to make it to distros; 
it might be a good idea to code things ahead...

Like if you use  U+40500 ( 񀔀 ) and type

touch ''$'\361\200\224\200'
ls ''$'\361\200\224\200'

will it show 񀔀 or ''$'\361\200\224\200' ?

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