[Bug-cpio] HP GNU cpio does not process files larger than 2 GB
Andre Cornelissen
[Bug-cpio] HP GNU cpio does not process files larger than 2 GB
Wed, 30 Aug 2006 15:06:26 +0200
While trying to restore an Oracle data
base file after a disk crash I discovered that the datafile (>2GB) was
not written by GNU cpio.
We moved to GNU cpio because from HP
cpio we got the message:
echo ts_2.dbf | cpio -ovB >/backup/dbf2.cpio "ts_2.dbf": Value too large to be stored
in data type cpio: Size of ts_2.dbf > 2GB. Not dumped. 10 blocks
After implementing GNU cpio we did not
get an error message anymore.
Now we need to restore the data base
file because the disk crashed and the attributes are restored but the file
size is 0 bytes.
Investigation into the cpio file showed
that the file data is not written, this was confirmed with test done with
a large (>2GB) file.
address@hidden v1050> echo /u01/ORACLE/rados1/ts2/rados_ts_2.dbf
| /bin/cpio_hp_org -ovB >/backup/dbf2.cpio "/u01/ORACLE/rados1/ts2/rados_ts_2.dbf":
Value too large to be stored in data type cpio: Size of /u01/ORACLE/rados1/ts2/rados_ts_2.dbf
> 2GB. Not dumped. 10 blocks