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[Bug-cpio] cpio 2.9: sets unexpected (wrong?) file owner UID

From: Alexey Stratonnikov
Subject: [Bug-cpio] cpio 2.9: sets unexpected (wrong?) file owner UID
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:27:11 +0300

When cpio archive is created as "find . -depth |cpio -o" and extracted as "cpio -i --make-directories" under root user, I get all directories owned by UID=0 no matter who was the owner of the directory when acrive was created.

This may be shown as:

$ su -
tux ~ # id -u
tux ~ # mkdir test; cd test
tux test # mkdir in out; mkdir in/dir; touch in/dir/file
tux test # chown 1 in/dir
tux test # (cd in; find . -depth |cpio -o) | (cd out; cpio -i --make-directories)
1 block
1 block
tux test # ls -ln in
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 1 0 72 Окт 22 08:56 dir
tux test # ls -ln out
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 72 Окт 22 08:56 dir
tux test # cpio --version
cpio (GNU cpio) 2.9
tux test #

One can see different owner UID for in/dir and out/dir.

Notice: when cpio -i works, the directory is first created, then populated with files, then set correct pwermissions and owner UID, and finally (when the whole archive is extracted), owner UID is reset back to 0.

The problem was not observed with cpio 2.6.
The problem does not emerge with "find |cpio -o" (without -depth).

Hope this information was useful,
Alexey Stratonnikov

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