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[Bug-cpio] [PATCH] support of major/minor devices over 127

From: Kamil Dudka
Subject: [Bug-cpio] [PATCH] support of major/minor devices over 127
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 11:15:33 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9


as solution to rhbz #450109 I propose a patch for support of major/minor 
devices over 127.

According FreeBSD manpage cpio(5), cpio on FreeBSD uses unsigned short for 
c_dev and c_rdev in old_cpio_header structure. This patch does not modify the 
structure, but only do appropriate conversion during read.

Kamil Dudka

Attachment: cpio-dev_number.patch
Description: Text Data

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