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[Bug-cpio] Directory ownership lost in 2.9 and 2.10 when dir not empty

From: Reuti
Subject: [Bug-cpio] Directory ownership lost in 2.9 and 2.10 when dir not empty
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 15:04:46 +0200


this was on the list quite some times as a bug in 2.9. I copy a directory tree as a result of a "find . -depth" and the ownerships are not restored when the directoyr is not empty. OTOH, I have to use -depth to retain the modifications dates of the directory. I hoped that it would be fixed in 2.10, but it's still there. For now I continue to use 2.8, which works fine.

I this no longer considered as a bug, and just the correct behavior in the future?

-- Reuti

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