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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] help needed recovering a hard drive with bad blocks

From: gr
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] help needed recovering a hard drive with bad blocks
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 19:59:55 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for your help.

> If PhotoRec doesn't cut it, and you're willing to
> pay for software, 
> GetDataBack for NTFS (www.runtime.org) has worked
> best for me. I don't 
> think PhotoRec has anyway of recovering fragmented
> files, but software 
> that understands NTFS can try to rebuild the MFT and
> piece some of the 
> fragmented files back together.
> -jim

I haven't had a chance to image the drive yet... but I
will take a closer look at GetDataBack since it
appears that the bad sectors may be affecting part of
the MFT.

I tried PhotoRec on a *good* drive (ext3 formatted)
and it seemed to pick up image and archive files
really well...for everything else though...it was very
fragmented and broken up into hundreds of text files.

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